Chapteer 5: A Branch of Bowtruckles

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Newt hurries out of the potions classroom. He really does not want to hang back with the other students. He'd much rather get to the Great Hall for lunch and then get a head start on his homework with Leta. Maybe talk to Tina and Queenie. He did say he could show them the bowtruckles.

Sounds like a good plan.

Really, this having multiple friends is quite an experience. Not that he doesn't like it. Quite the opposite. He's just not used to it. He'd never had a friend until Leta in his third year, and even then he'd only had her until now. No one's ever wanted to spend time with him except for Theseus. And Leta of course.

"Hey, freckleface!"

Newt's shoulders tense up, but he continues walking, not in the mood to deal with his fellow peers' retorts about him. At least he'd gotten through the first 2 weeks relatively well. It seemed like everyone else was too busy settling in and getting used to school again.

A Gryffindor boy jogs up next to him, matching Newt's long strides. Newt is at least a head taller and a few years older than the boy, but it does not seem to scare him. Newt keeps his gaze locked to the ground in front of him, clutching his books to his chest.

"Found any new creatures to cram under your bed yet?" the boy asks with a devilish smirk on his face.

Newt ignores him, focusing on walking down the corridor.

"I heard you made some new friends," he says. "Though I cannot for the life of me figure out why anyone other than Lestrange would want to be friends with someone like you."

Newt purses his lips, but continues walking, hoping that maybe if he ignores him he'll lose interest and leave him alone. He'll have to go off to his house's table once they reach the Great Hall anyway, so he can't go on forever. He'll have to leave Newt alone.

Newt ascends the stairs quickly, but despite his long legs. the boy manages to keep up with him. "I mean, you're just so..." The boy trails off, thoughtfully. He quietly sniggers to himself.

Wrong. He doesn't have to say it. It's implied. Newt isn't good with humans, but he can interpret that from the boy's tone of voice. He'd heard it enough times before to know. And the boy knows he knows too.

"Say, what exactly does professor Dumbledore see in you?" the boy asks. "I've been meaning to ask. Does he just take pity on freaks like you or is there something else too?"

Newt reaches the top of the stairs after what feels like ages. Out of the corner of his eye he sees Queenie running up to him, grinning. He's never been more thankful before. Her timing really is just amazing.

"Hello, Newt!" she exclaims as she approaches him, her run slowing to a walk. She walks up next to him, essentially taking the gryffindor boy's spot. He looks mildly annoyed at that, but Queenie pays him no mind. "You remember the bowtruckles you were talking about the other day?"

Newt nods, smiling at her.

"Well, Tina and I were wondering if you would like to show them to us," she says with a cheeky smile on her face. "We're both free after dinner, y'know."

They enter the Great Hall, which is bustling with life. Students chattering amongst themselves about their day and the tons of homework they've likely been given by the teachers. The gryffindor boy walks off to his own table.

"Yeah...yeah I'm free too," Newt replies. "I could take you after?"

"Oh, we'd love to!" Queenie exclaims, gripping onto Newt's arm and jostling him so he almost trips over his own feet. He chuckles lightly at her enthusiasm.

Queenie drags him down to the hufflepuff table and sits down next to him. She chats to him some more about her day before turning to a hufflepuff girl sitting on the other side of her and starts talking to her. He can tell she wants to talk about what she essentially walked in on, but he's thankful that she doesn't. Newt eats in silence for the rest of the meal.

- - -

The grass is slightly damp from the earlier classic British rain as they walk. Tina and Queenie are close behind him him, the ends of their robes just grazing the green grass.

"I've never seen a bowtruckle before," Queenie says excitedly.

"Me neither," Tina says. "We don't see many creatures at Ilvermorny. Or in New York. Especially with all the laws about them."

Newt turns to look at them. "Really?" he asks. "There are creatures all over Hogwarts. The whole of UK too for that matter. I used to look for them in my garden when I was little."

Tina and Queenie chuckle with him.

"Our grandfather used to keep owls," Tina says.

"Really?" Newt asks, intrigued. "My mother breeds hippogriffs."

He turns back around and continues walking. "Almost there," he tells them and Queenie squeals excitedly. "You'll have to be a bit careful though. Bowtruckles are peaceful creatures, but they are known to attack humans if they feel threatened."

"Attack?" Tina asks. "Aren't they very small?"

"They are, but they are quite protective of their trees and can gouge your eyes out with their fingers - which are quite sharp actually."

The girls look just a little horrified at the thought. Newt can't help but smile.

"We shouldn't worry too much though," he says. "They trust me."

"Well, that's good."

Eventually they reach a medium sized tree. Newt stops and puts his index finger to his lips, indicating for the girls to be quiet. He walks closer to the tree, keeping his stance open and non-threatening - and surely enough, small, twig-like creatures come out from within the tree.

"Hello," he greets them. "It's nice to see you again."

They chirp happily upon seeing him and he lets one of them walk onto his hand. He sticks his other hand into his pocket and pulls out some woodlice that he gives them.

Tina and Queenie watch in awe as he talks to the creatures. He looks at them with a grin on his face upon seeing their excitement and waves them over, motioning for them to come closer.

"They're so cute!" Queenie breathes. Tina nods, grinning.

"Do you want to hold her?" Newt asks Tina, hopefully.

Tina nods enthusiastically and holds up her hand eagerly. Newt gently coaches the small creature onto the witch's hand and Tina almost stops breathing for a full minute. Queenie coos and aws at the bowtruckle, totally enchanted.

"They have very complex social lives," Newt says. "Everyone has their own roles in the branch."

"The branch?" Tina asks.

"A group of bowtruckles is called a branch," Newt explains.

Tina looks up from the creature almost for the first time since since she saw it. She sports a radiant smile on her face just like her sister, eyes practically sparkling, as she looks up at him.

"Thanks for showing us this," she says. "It mean a lot."

Newt averts his gaze as he feels heat creep up his neck to his cheeks and ears. "Well - it's nice have someone to share it with." He smiles.

Published 14/03/2020

Oh yikes this coronavirus thing got really serious really fast huh? Norway's not doing too hot compared to the other Nordic countries to be honest. Anyway, all the schools are closed now and borders are closing and stuff. Stay safe y'all. Wash your hands and stay home, for your and everyone else's safety.

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