I hate laundry day

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Udaraka pov saturday 1:00pm

I hate laundry day! From the sorting through my smelly clothes to folding something that will soon be unfolded and thrown into another pile I hate it! And I don't think I am the only one with this feeling. One look at all my classmates' faces lets me know they would rather be in class than standing in line by the laundry room but at least I have my good friend Mina to help me through this boredom.

It's been two weeks since Mina has started dating Kirishima. And I'm super happy for her but everywhere she goes,he goes and no I am not jealous of her, no of course not I am happy for her but let's just say it's hard to be best friends with anyone when it also means being friends with their boyfriend. But I am happy that they don't make out in public like some people or flirt 24/7.


There are now only four people in front of me so that means only 45 min till my turn then it will take Two more hours to complete my two loads of laundry.

I feel a tap on my shoulder so I turn around to see my loyal friend Iida carrying a blue basket of dirty laundry. To my surprise, hatsume is with him, and I think he's blushing!

"Hello udaraka I was wondering if you are ok you look depressed?"

"Oh no I'm all good, just lost in thought how are you?"

"I am very good today I was just about to head over to my parents home to do my laundry becuse this line will take to long can i take your laun-"

"Yes! Please!"

"Oh ok then I'll have them folded and by your door tomorrow morning."

And with that my day is cleared

Iida takes my basket and leaves with hatsume following him like a puppy dog- looks like another happy couple.

Now i'm heading back to my dorm to take some much needed me time...... well I was till a certain green haired boy called out my name-


"Hi deku!"

Is he blushing?

"Are you free tomorrow?"

Is he... asking me out? I promised myself if he ever did I would accept but the thing is I don't want to be in a relationship but what if he just wants to hang out with me..

"Ya I'm free why?"

"I-I was wondering if...if you maybe wanted to...to go out with me...b-but it's ok if you don't want to...

Now he is rambling on about it but I'm too busy having a panic attack to pay attention or shut him up. Please someone come save me from this situation... Please help me...


Someone's voice knocks me out of my trace and it sounds like...Bakugo?

"Where have you been I've been waiting for you by my dorm for 20 f--ing minutes"

I have no idea what he is talking about but i'm going to go along with it so I can get out of this situation

"I was heading their right now"

"Well it looked like you were ditching me for broccoli boy"

"No I'm not I-"

And with that bakugo grabs my wrist and pulls me away from my misery around the corner into another hall

"What was that for?" I say as I rub my now sore wrist

"You should be thanking me for getting you out of that situation"

"Thank you" I whisper loud enough

"And just for that I want something in return"

"Like what?"

"Be my girlfriend for a week"

What is he talking about me being his girlfriend. Even for a week I wouldn't do it especially if I don't get something out of it.

"No way!"

"Just hear me out round face if you do this people will get of your back about getting a boyfriend and i'll give you free meals all week"

"What are you talking about? no one has been pressuring me to get a boyfriend and why do you so badly want a girlfriend anyway?"

"None of your business. You know what I'll give you some time to think about it. By noon tomorrow I expect a real answer." and with that he walked away leaving me lost in a sea of confusion

Three main questions seam to pop out the most- 1. Why does he want a fake girlfriend 2. What did he mean that people were pressuring me to get a boyfriend 3. What the hell do I do!

I decided that going to my dorm would be the best place to go but I don't want to run into anyone I know that will stop me from going back to my room. For all I know, tokoyami may want to invite me to have tea later! So I decided to go through the second year hallway. Lucky for me they were all still in their rooms so I was able to sneak to my room undisturbed.

I quickly slip into my room and that's when I feel a buzz coming from my back pocket and out of reflex I open my phone and see a text from Mina-

Pinky- so are u free tomorrow?

It would be rude not to answer and it won't take long to answer-

Me- yeah i'm free tomorrow why?

Pinky- but don't u have a date with deku?

Me- how did u hear about that...

Pinky- never mind that i want to know... did u reject him becuse if u did i can see if todoroki is free tomorrow

Me- were u trying to set me up with deku! Thanks but i am perfectly capable of getting a bf On.My.Own.

Pinky- i was just trying to give u a little push and u've have been single for so long..

I stop reading at that point becuse I'm flying down the hallway to the boys dorm. Banging on his room door.

"What do you want round face"

"I'll do it!" I say gasping for air

"What was that I couldn't hear you?" he says with a smug look on his face.

"I'll be your girlfriend!"

And with that he pulls me into his dorm.


Tell me if you like this book and you want me to write more and I will.                                         ~~~~~~~~~Have a happy Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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