Good morning

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Uraraka pov 8:22pm saturday

I'm awake.

I woke up when he kicked my door open. I didn't want him to put me down so I stayed still enough so he wouldn't notice that my breathing changed.

He's just so warm! It reminded me of when my dog would sleep with me at night. I didn't want him to let me go but it's not like I like him or anything, he's just really warm. I can feel him slowly drop me onto my bed. He placed a pillow under my head and I felt his hands lay all my blankets around me. At least he let me keep his blanket that smelled like him.

Then I felt him place his lips on my forehead! Before I could react he was out of my room. I could hear his feet running back to his dorm.

I open my eyes to my dark room and sit up. When I do that I'm hit with a wave of tiredness.

"Probably shouldn't have stayed up till 5am waching Black Clover." I put my hand on my forehead to steady myself. "I was really rude to everyone today especially bakugo. I should go apologise to him in the morni-"

                       {Narrator- "You see, from to not getting the proper 8 hours of sleep our poor Udaraka has fallen asleep in the blanket cuckoo that bakugo put her in"}


Narrating in bokugos room pov 8:28pm saturday

He seems to be walking over to start up his gaming console but it looks like with every step he gets closer to sleep and farther from the console.


Guess I was right because our poor bakugo is now fast asleep kneeling on the floor with his face smashed on the bed.

-------------Next Day-----------------------------

Bokugos pov 9:18am Sunday

I wake up with a grown and stiff neck. Then I remember how I got into this position. Mentaly punching myself for not getting the proper number of hours of sleep.

I grab my toothbrush and head for the bathrooms wanting to avoid as many people as possible, but LuCkY for me dumb, dumber and, dumbest were wating outside my door.

"Yo bakubro! Where are you going on this fine Sunday morning?" kirishima says while he holds his girlfriend's hand.

"I told you to never call me that!" I bark at the redhead "I am going to brush my teeth" I turn away from them and walk farther down the hall.

"Aww don't be like that Bokugo todays a celebration!" the talking phone charger squeaks.

I just give him a cold stare and he shuts up like a dog with his tail between his legs. But kirishima clearly doesn't get the message.

"It's a celebration of not being single! Now that we all have dates we thought that it would be a good idea for all of us to go on one big date!"

I freeze where I'm standing to turn around and look at dumb, dumber and, dumbest. Instead of denying the fact that I have a girlfriend I go along with it. 

"How did you find out I have a girlfriend?" Did floaty tell them? I can't blame her if she did but I was hoping I would get one more day without having to put on the shurade.

"Well when I saw you carrying Udaraka out of your dorm it was clear that you were dating. You never let anyone into your room; it only makes sense that you would allow your girlfriend in."

At that moment I feel my butt buzz so I grab my phone from my back pocket.

"Ooo who is it?" The pink alien chirps

"Is it your girlfriend?!" the yellow traffic cone asks

I look down and the yellow head is right. It's my "girlfriend".

My Queen : can u swing by my room at 9:30

King: y

My Queen: So I can return your blanket 

King: k 

I look up from my phone to see three pairs of eyes staring at me. I know that they want to know who it is so all I say is- "It was her."

They all break out saying "awwwwww"

"What did she say?" The alien girl asks

"None of your business" say as I quickly walk to the men's bathroom for some privacy.

~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~9:23 am

I look up from my phone as I make my way to her dorm room but I quickly regret it because I accidentally make eye contact with the human Canadian flag. When he sees me he immediately waves at me like I'm his best friend but what makes me want to back away is the smile on his face. Then I notice that ponytail is clinging onto his arm and whispering into his ear.

I'm getting a very sick feeling from looking at the two love birds. Some people would call it jealousy but why would I be jealous that they have a happy and totally real relationship and besides I don't need a real girlfriend to be happy and-

"Buzz buzz"

I look back down at the phone in my hand and it's two minuets till 9:30. So I pick up the pace.

Udarakas pov 9:28 am Sunday

'I'm so happy that Lida did my laundry for me! I need to remember to thank him next time I see him.' I think to my self as I put the perfectly folded laundry away.

"Knock knock"

I know that's not bakugou because he would just rudely kick the door open. So I ask-

"who is it?"

"It's me Midoriya."

I go to the door to see Deku with a bundle of flowers and immediately I want to close the door but I don't because that would be rude.

"Hey Deku what are you doing here?" I ask dreading the answer.

"I came because I wanted to apologize for asking you out without assuming you had a boyfriend"

"How did you know that I had a boyfriend?" Did Bakugou tell everyone that we were dating? I can't blame him for wanting to get it all over with but I had some ways that I wanted to tell everyone.

"Mina told me about how she saw bakugou caring you to your dorm room last night and that it was clear that you two are dating"

Well that explains it. Why didn't I expect that Mina would be the first to put all the pieces together.

"Uraraka I want to apologize again for not asking if you had a boyfriend before I asked you out. It must have been a really awarded situation for you." 

I'm barely listening to him because all I can think about is that bakugo carried me back to my room last night and how he kissed my forehead. 

Then I remember that Deku is waiting for a response.

"It's all ok Deku. Before today no one knew that I had a boyfriend so I didn't expect you to know."

"Oh ok then but I still want you to have these flowers." He says as he hands the flowers to me.

"Thank you very much Deku" I take the flowers from his hand shaking hands 

Now that I notice I see that his whole body is shaking for some reason 

"I must be going now bye!" He quirky says with a wave goodbye

"Bye!" I tell him and shut the door

I quickly hide the flowers so bakugo doesn't see them when he comes over and gets all mad about it like he does about everything. 

But not two second is the door closed that it is opened again with the bottom of bakugo's shoe and as I slowly turn to face him I'm met with a kiss on the lips!


I'm going to stop right their for today. Sorry for not updating sooner but I was felling really unmotivated till now but I'll try not to let it happen again!  

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