The Contract

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Chapter 2- the contract

Udarakas pov 2:00pm saturday

At first I was shocked that he would pull me into his dorm room but I quickly understood when he sat me down in his desk chair and handed me a pen and paper.

"Sign it" he said to me in a scary tone

"What am I signing?"

"A contract. You can read it if you want to, but that would be a waste of my time"

With that I start skimming through the one paged contract and immediately I pause.

"What do you mean you'll only pay for my food when you're with me! That's practically only lunch!"

"Well it doesn't make sense for me to pay for your food if i'm not with you!"

We continue arguing like that for four more hours----

"There" he says as he throws down the now three paged contract. "Are you satisfied now yOuR mAjEsTy?"

"Yes I am. Are you satisfied your RoYaL hIgHnEsS?" I say with a bow

"Give me your phone" he says as he lays out his sweaty hand

At least he asked for it. So I hand it to him.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't worry i'm not deleting anything. Just putting in a contact"

I look over his shoulder to see him putting his number into my phone and changing the contact name to~king explosion murder~

"I am not putting your name as king explosion murder in my phone!"

"Yes you are!"


"Ok Ok fine" he picks up my phone again but hides the screen from my view

"There" and he hands me back my phone

"Oh and one more thing!" he smashes his face against my cheek and I hear a clicking noise

"You can set that as your wallpaper and I can set mine to-" he pulls me into his lap on the ground and rests his chin on my head and takes a photo

"You can go back to your dorm now" He says as he shoves me to the door

"Ok but I have a better idea-"


"No that's not what I was thinking... but I was thinking that you should walk me to my dorm."

"Yeah fine it's in the contract anyways"

"Would you shut up about that stupid contrate!"

"No I won't becuse something that should have taken less than 10 minutes instead took four whole hours away of my gaming time!"

"Oh come on there are more important things in life than playing video games"

We go on like that for two more hours and by the end of it I'm in a corner wrapped in a blanket and he's sitting at his desk giving me the death stare.

Bakugo pov 8:00pm saturday~~~~~~

She's so stubborn and overreacting. How am I going to survive this week with her if I can't even survive 6 hours.


I look over to see my "girlfriend" flat on her face in a deep slumber. (she's asleep with her face flat on the ground) so I decide that I'm going to have to carry her back to her bedroom myself.

I get up from my desk and wrap her again in my blanket and lift her into my arms. She's so warm and light but that shouldn't surprise me. I kick my door open with my foot and stroll down the hall trying not to wake her. "As long as I don't run into hair for brains I'll be fine" I think to myself.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

"Hey bako-" kirishima shouts at me from down the hall.

"Shhhhhh she's asleep" I cut the rock boy off.

"Awwwww and you're carrying her back to her bedroom like the gentleman you are. That's so manly!"

"I told you to shut it before she wakes up! We can talk about this later!" and with that I rush her down the hall. Trying to hide her face with the blanket. That's when I see my next obstacle- his girlfriend.

"Hi bakugo! Whatcha got there?" she says in her squeaky high pitched voice.

"Nothing that concerns you. Now leave me alone." I say as I push past her with my shoulder.

"That's not very nice of you considering that I am your best friends girl-"

"WELL I DON'T GIVE A-" I'm cut off by the sound of the angle in my arms grunting in her sleep.

"What do you have in your arms, bokugo?" She saids trying to sound stern but only sounding like a curious little kid.

"Shhhhhh I don't want to wake her! Now leave me alone!" I say as I successfully escape from the hands of the pink alien.

I finally reach her dorm room to be faced with my last obstacle-iida

Why is he here and what's with the basket of neatly folded laundry? Oh yeah it was laundry day wasn't it. Good thing I have my mom do my laundry every time I visit home.

If I get caught with her in my arms by him he'll wake her up for sure with his loud questions and report me to the teachers. I was so close to getting back to my rooms to play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, but no the world just doesn't want to leave me alone today.

Before I can get out of his line of site he shouts my name.

"Bokugo! Is that you?"

I grit my teeth and I say-

"Hello iida"

trying to distract him from the body blanket in my arms by giving him the biggest smile I can muster but I think that I scared him more than distract him because he puts the basket of neatly folded laundry by the door and slowly backs away from me with his hands up then starts springing away.

My smile isn't that scary, but that doesn't matter now becuse I can finally get her to her room and go play my video games.

I Kick open the door to see.....a very bland and boring room and to be honest I'm quite surprised. You would expect a girl like her to have a room like Minas but I guess I was wrong.

I lay her down on her bed and she lets out a soft sigh. I slip her pillow under her head and arrange the blankets around her in a comfortable position. An impulse comes over me and I lay a kiss on her forehead before pulling away and slapping myself in the face. I quickly turn her light out and slip out of her dorm before I do any more stupped things.

"Now to play my video games"

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Who here wishes an anime boy would tuck them in to bed?

Everyone is falling in loveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon