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"Nova Summers, get your ass inside! Right now! Are you insane! It is too cold outside!" Charlotte shouted at her wild-haired child. Nova simply turned to look at her mother, a smile playing on her lips like she had cheated death. Her mother waved for her to come inside but Nova just scrunched up her nose. "Why's it so cold in September?"

"It's nice out," The cold always welcomed Nova, and she let it wrap around her like a hug from a friend she hadn't seen in a while. "Dad loved the cold."

"I know he did, but he wouldn't have loved his daughter getting sick. Come on inside." Charlotte smiled, pulling her fuzzy blanket tighter around her shoulders. "We have to leave for the train station early tomorrow, do you have everything packed?"

"I think so. I feel like I'm missing something though." Sighed the redhead as she walked into the warm cabin that she and her mother lived in.

"Go check your stuff, you know I have no way of getting it to you. That owl they send never listens to me." Charlotte rolled her eyes, shutting the door and quickly making her way over to the fireplace.

"Just be happy they send an owl, mum. Plus, I think Geran is adorable. I want to have an owl for a pet." Nova giggled, thinking of the lazy barn owl that bites everyone. Geran was provided by the school, but he's not happy about it. "It's probably because you don't have any snacks."

"You can barely take care of yourself, Nova. I love you to death but you're ditsy." Nova couldn't help but laugh and agree with her mother, knowing that she was indeed a ditsy teen. "Especially for a fourteen-year-old."

"Hey, I've got time to grow up and figure everything out...at least I hope I do." She hummed, shrugging her shoulders and making her way to her room to check her things. She was pretty excited to go back to Hogwarts, having missed all of the people she knew there. So many people loved her because she cared about others. She wasn't an angry person, and she was always quick to help someone in need. Her best friend, Bela, a girl younger than her but most definitely smarter, always told her that her kindness could come back to bite her in the ass.

"Should I pack you a lunch for the train ride? I know you said you didn't eat the last three that I've packed but you never know." Charlotte rambled as she poked her head into her only child's room. She was proud that her daughter was something more than she ever was, but she sometimes got scared that since she was so extraordinary that she wouldn't need her anymore.

"Oh no, mum, I'll be fine," Nova assured, closing her trunk after deciding that everything was there. "Seriously, they have a trolley that comes around."

"Didn't you say that the trolley only carried sweets? You know that's not good for you." Charlotte said and Nova nodding, rolling her eyes playfully. Her mom never cared for her eating sweets, they just joked about it a lot.

"What else would I eat?" Charlotte grinned at her, rolling her eyes before pulling her in for a hug.

"I'm going to miss you."

"I'll be home for winter, and like any other holiday we have, just like always."

"Right. Get some fucking sleep you dumbass. We're not gonna be late again."

"Okay. Love you, mum."

"Love you too, sweetie."

As Nova tucked herself into bed, all she could think about was how much fun she'd have at Hogwarts. She had no idea what she was in for this year, but she did feel like she was missing something. She also felt a pang of deja vu but that's most likely from the last three times she's done this exact thing. She reached out to turn her lamp off, accidentally knocking down a picture frame of her and her father. His unruly flaming red curls and soft round features were what she inherited from him. She smiled softly and sat the picture back up right before turning the light off and trying to drift to sleep.

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