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"yeah! i'm ready for carnival! who's ready to ride in my... fruit."

ben said looking around.

he paused.

ben was dressed in tights, he had a fruit hat on.

he stopped and saw everyone was gone.

"they left without me... that's messed up."

ben said sitting down on the floor.


stan was flying away.

"wait up!"

eddie called.

eddie and richie were trying to follow stan.

stan started to cry.

he wiped his tear with his hand.

suddenly, wise comes out of nowhere and chokes him.

"going somewhere? pretty boy?"

wise said grabbing stan harshly in the throat.

"oh yeah, i was just on my way to CLAW YOU'RE EYES OUT!"

stan yelled scratching wise's eyes.

wise screams and rubs his eye.

stan tried to fly away.

but wise grabbed him.

"temper, temper, now come along my dear. we're going to a parade. and everybody loves a parade."

wise said.

he laughed.

"let go off me!"

stan yelled.

wise flew far away.

"hey, get back here!"

richie yelled.

"ain't nobody mess with a friend of richie's!"

richie yelled.

"i ain't having it!"

richie yelled one last time

"what are you on? you see the talent of that guy?"

eddie said.

"talent? maybe it's on... next time."

richie said with his eyes wide open.


richie yelled flying away.

eddie followed.


bill was walking away.

mike was behind him.

"mike, quit following me. you're going the wrong direction. isn't carnival the other way?"

bill said.

"i'm not going to carnival. no, i'm going home."

mike said.

"but... i thought you loved carnival."

bill said.

"i do. but i love my family much more. and that's a choice i made with this."

he pointed to bill's heart.

"not with this."

mike said as he pointed to bills head.

bill sighed.

"bill! bill! hey, bill! bill!"

richie and eddie both started yelling.

"i was flying, and then i saw this big bad guy."

richie said.

"with big ninja talent!"

eddie added.

"this man was ugly."

richie said.


eddie said.

"anyways, that's not the point!"

richie said shaking his head.

"and then stan was there, and he snatched up stan. like snatched him up!"

eddie said running out of breathe.

"and he was like..."

richie cleated his throat.

"you're coming with me little princess."

richie said in a deep voice.

"damn didn't know you had that in you rich."

eddie said.

"yeah me either, anyway... then i said "what?""

richie said.

"then he was like "what!""

eddie said.

"and stan was like... "i ain't you're princess leave me alone.""

richie said trying to copy stan's voice.

he imitating punches and kicks.

"me and eddie were like "oh my god how the h-

"stop! just tell me what happened!"

bill yelled cutting richie off.

"he got stan man!"

eddie said.

"and he's taking them to the parade."

both richie and eddie said.

bill gasped softly.

"this is all my fault..."

bill said.

"let's fly!"


bill was on top of ben's fruit hat.

he was running to carnival.

richie and eddie were flying back behind ben.

ben drooled a little and while he ran it went behind him.

it got on eddie.

eddie went backward because of all the drools

he then cleaned himself.

"hey bro, i'm drowning back here."

eddie said.

"you won't get wet on this ride!"

ben said.


wow this one is short. i'm coming back from a road trip and i'm posting a lot because i'm hella bored lmao. so enjoy this. love u all! comment on grammar mistakes! byeee

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