My Pity Killer Excerpt

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"Monte," he begged, "please, kill me." 

"JJ," I wiped his sweaty brow, "I am so sorry. I wish I could change this outcome," I began talking, loading my gun and placing the silencer on as I cocked it. "Are you sure you want me to do it?" I asked, looking at him but referring my question to Des.

"I can do it," she stood and shook her hands, "This is my future in a few hours anyway." "Des," I stood and handed her the gun, "we have another day. Let's not dwell on the future, ok?" I held her face and we stared at each other. For the first time in years since we had gotten together, I saw tears in her eyes.

"He's all I got left, Monte. I'm all he has ever had. I'm all you got now," she sniffled, "I'm scared as fuck right now." "I know," I rested my head against her's, "we have time." "For what?" she asked, "there's no fucking cure." "WE don't know that," I placed the gun in her hand, "but you make the call. He hasn't turned yet; we can keep him alive. I can bond him tighter so that he can't hurt himself or infect anyone else. I will find a cure for the both of you."

"Look at him, Monte," she grabbed my chin and forced me to turn to her brother. He had passed out again, but I saw the scars. While we were talking, he had begun scratching at his cut; the infected cut as it turned black. "He's in pain and I can't let him die like this and turn into the very things we killed. I can't do that to him," she walked away from me, "and I'd be damned you do that to me."

She walked to her brother and placed the gun to his head.

"I love you, JJ," she covered her mouth and I looked away as I heard the small faint sound of my bullet leaving the gun.

"I'll clean him up," I cleared my throat and turned back to find her place the gun from him to her temple.

"I'm sorry," she apologized, tears falling down her face.

"Des, what are you doing?" I asked as she cocked the gun again and closed her eyes. "I can't trust you, Monte," she sighed, "I can't trust that you'll do the right thing. I can't be that," she shook her head, "please learn to forgive me and go back home."

"Des, don't you dare leave me like this," I raised my hands and walked to her, slowly. "Take another step," she threatened, "I love you." "Des!"

She pulled the trigger and looked disappointed when she found that there were no other bullets in the chamber. I took that moment to grab her and pin her to the ground as she fought me.

"You think I'm stupid?" I asked as I grabbed the gun from her and pinned her arms above her head. "I told you I'm not giving up; I'm going to find that damn cure."

"I'll hate you forever if you force me to change, Monte," she kicked at me and I backed up and head butted her unconscious.

I tied her up to the other bed and covered her mouth with tape as I turned to JJ. If only she let me wait for him.

I wrapped his body and walked outside, placing a 'Do not Disturb' sign on the door and placed his body in the trunk of the car, driving off to dump it.

-Excerpt from My Pity Killer, 2020 (Coming Soon)

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