Chapter 1

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"Just because someone hurt you yesterday doesn't mean you should start living life today in constant fear of being hurt tomorrow."
-Laine Domingo.


"Excuse me" I asked the stranger passing by,"Which way to Dr.Greg Henrie's clinic?" The stranger thought for a few seconds and then replied with a smile " Oh! That's just four buildings away,you're almost there." I thanked him softly lifting the glass window up and signaled the driver to move.


It's been two years since I and Helena got married. I can't believe it's our second wedding anniversary! I wanted to surprise her with a beautiful diamond necklace so I decided home in the afternoon without telling her.

As I parked my car I glanced at the flowers and the necklace and smiled at the thought of surprising her. I climbed up the stairs and reached our bedroom door. I was about to turn the knob and open the door when I heard her say,"I can't do it anymore!". Many questions started chasing in my mind. Whom was she talking to? What could she do no more? She shouted again," I can't pretend to love Nicholas any more!" I froze at that sentence.After a long pause she calmed down and said,"I know,I'll do it for you and the money that Nicholas has." I gathered courage and entered the room. I saw her talking to someone over the phone. She didn't see me enter as she was facing the opposite direction. She replied to someone on the phone saying,"I love you." She turned around and saw me standing,she was shocked but soon she composed herself and was about to say something when I said," You've been cheating on me, what?..This money?" Tears were about to fall from my eyes. But I controlled them. Helena instead of telling me some excuse simply shouted shamelessly saying," Yes I cheated you, yes for your money you idiot! You're such a fool,you couldn't even make out that I was taking this love,the love for you!" I was angry and hurt with her harsh words, I said,"I wasn't a fool,I was just on love with you and I wasn't faking it. Get out of here!" Saying that immediately rushed out of the room and in time she took my son and left the house. I was so shocked that I didn't realise that she had left with my son.

I wanted my son's custody but my told me that she had more chances of getting it as she was the mother and we couldn't find any evidence of she cheating on me. That made me more depressed.

After Helena left, I could no longer focus on my business so my colleague suggested me to visit Dr.Greg,a psychiatrist he seemed to know well. Well,I tried visiting many other psychiatrists but in vain. My depression seems have fallen in love with me. Anyway I just thought of giving Dr.Greg a shot.

End of flashback

"Sir we're here." Said the driver,making me come back to my senses.I got out of the car and went in. I opened the door and saw no person but the receptionist who gave me a bright smile, I smiled back. This place was very lonely, not at all like other clinics. I inquired about Dr.Greg's office so the receptionist told me to wait as there was another patient inside. I sat on the couch beside and waited. It took really very long for the patient to come out. After an hour of waiting an old lady came out of the doctor's office. The receptionist called my name and guided me towards his office, I thanked her and went inside after knocking.

The doctor was talking to someone over the phone and soon disconnected as he saw me entering. "Oh! You must be Mr.White,my new patient?" He asked. I simply nodded.We shook our hands formally "Come,have a seat here and tell me your problem" he instructed. I did what he told me to do.

I said "My wife cheated on me and took my son away from me." I was interrupted by his question. "For how long were you married?" I answered softly " Two years." "How well did you know her before you got married?" He asked. I replied saying,"We dated for a couple of months and then got married.I thought I knew her well until that day when she cheated on me." Why did she do that, had she fallen for someone else?" I paused for a moment and then replied,"She never loved me....." My talking was interrupted when my phone beeped loudly,I glanced at it and saw it was a text message from my secretary.I immediately apologized to the doctor saying," I'm so sorry Dr.Greg,there is an important meeting that has just sprung up so I need to go." The doctor smiled and said,"I understand Mr.White,you may continue next time." I got up and got myself ready to leave. I got closer to the door but as I was about to open it, the door sprang open hitting me on the forehead and I fell down. "Aw!!"

I raised my head and saw a girl with a totally panicked face and messy hair staring at me in shock.

"Oh My God! Did I hit you?" She asked me with wide eyes....


So my first chapter is done. I'm really sorry for any spelling or any grammatical mistakes.

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