Chapter 3

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"You have to forgive to forget,and forget,to feel again."

A massive thank you to all the readers!^_^



I placed the pastries packet on Greg's office table and went ahead and sat on his chair. Greg was busy talking to someone over the phone. So I waited for him to finish.

I saw a file in front of me on the table. It was a patient's file and had the name Nicholas White on it. This must the file of the man I dashed on my way,I thought to myself. His words,"Things with me are lot worse right now" came to my mind and I suddenly felt the urge to read the file in front of me. I moved my hand over the file and had half way opened it when I heard Greg say,"Hey,you're not supposed to read my patient's files like that,they're confidential."

I immediately moved my hand away from the file and said,"Hey!! I didn't even open that file!"

"But you were to!" He said back.

There was a pause for about ten seconds and then I spoke up,"By the way ,what's wrong with that guy?"

" Why are you so interested?" He asked,unpacking the pastry parcel and offering one to me.

I took the small plate of pastry and said,"Just tell me."

"His just depressed." He said.

" Depressed?...why??" I asked.

"Why don't you keep quite and enjoy this lovely pastry and let me enjoy as well?" He said smiling.

"C'mon Dr.Greg Henrie, tell me." I requested politely.

" You're so stubborn,aren't you? You won't let me enjoy my pastry until I answer your unwanted question,right?" He asked.

" Yes,now spit it out." I said.I love this feeling of victory.

"His wife cheated on him." He finally said.

"Oh!" I said sadly.

"Don't be sad,he'll be fine. He just needs counselling and pills."

"Rubbish! He'll never get cured like that. He may need counselling but pills don't always work. He needs to understand that his wife was never worth his love and now she's not worth all of this. He needs to move on."

"You're not a psychiatrist,you're a lawyer,you know that right?" He asked, absolutely confused from my speech.

"Yes and that's why I treat people like humans while you treat them like patients. He doesn't need pills. He needs adventure or something that will make him understand that life is worth living." I lectured again.

"Fine, you treat him and cure him without pills. This is my challenge to you. I bet you will fail." He challenged me.

"Challenge accepted. If you lose then you'll be taking me to Spain and we'll be spending a month there. And you're stupid phone will be switched off."

"Fine,and if you lose, you will never come between me and my patients again." He said.

"Alright!" I screamed.

He continued saying," I don't think Mr.White will agree to be treated by an insane lawyer."

"Leave that to me." I said, not sure of how I would convince him?

"Now finish your pastry or I will eat it myself." I commanded.

" Don't you dare do that." I said, immediately putting a piece in my mouth like a five year old."


Not very promising, I'm sorry!

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