Private time

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Song » The power of love by  Heuy Lewis & The News 

Lando let himself fall on the bed and let out a satisfied smile. "What a day," he breathed.

Liv took off her shoes and grabbed a bottle of water. She took a big sip. "You can say that." She sat down next to Lando and let her hand glide through his hair. He closed his eyes and hummed something. "It was a good day."

"Absolutely. You were the best of it." He looked at her and saw a smile growing on her face. "I didn't expect it at all. I thought about it, but you multiple times told me you couldn't be here, so I didn't have hope."

"And that, Lando, is what you call a good surprise," Liv winked and let her head rest against the wall behind the bed. "What you can achieve with a good planner."

"Yeah, what was that about with Zak and Andreas?" He sat up. "Wait, let's order dinner first. What do you want?" Lando grabbed the menu and gave it to her.

"Uh," she mumbled and opened the menu. Her eyes widened when she saw the prices. "Yes, let me just grab my cash from my money tree," she blurted. A laugh rolled over Lando's lips. "I'm serious. Look at those prices. I know Abu Dhabi is expensive, and room service is hella expensive."

"Liv, what do you want to eat?" He repeated on a serious but cheeky tone. "It's fine."

Her eyes glanced over the dishes. She licked her lips. "Chips?" It was one of the cheapest dishes.


"Italian vegetables."

Lando rolled his eyes. "Classic, Liv."

"No wait," Liv stopped him from calling the kitchen. "Falafel with hummus," she changed her mind and looked expectantly at him.

"You sure?" She nodded. "Alrighty," he said and called the kitchen. He ordered falafel with hummus for Liv and a healthy chicken salad. "It will be here within thirty minutes."

Liv got up and started to clean up the room. It wasn't that messy, but Lando his clothes were unfolded, were just laying on the ground. The cleaning service didn't stop here today.

"You don't have to do that," Lando said and laid down on the bed again. She looked at him with a disapproving look on her face and continued folding up his clothes. "Okay, but tell me, what was going on with Zak and Andreas? I'm open for new tea."

"So basically, they were part of this operation by the Smooth Operator," Liv began. Lando raised his eyebrows. "When we had that coffee thing with Carlos and Isa, we talked about attending races and that I could make it to the last race. You went to the bathroom, I believe, and Carlos came with a plan since I knew my principal wouldn't let me go without a valid reason. Carlos wrote a letter about an internship interview what doesn't exist, fixed the official papers and signatures of Zak and Andreas, so it looked real and convincing."

"And I thought you were the good student. You are literally lying about an internship, involved McLaren and missing your exams."

She widely smiled. "Now, stop complaining and make me feel bad. I can go home if you want."

"No," he let out. "No, we're not gonna do that. Nah-ah." He shook his head. "I must say: genius. I'm impressed."

"And, you know, I'm always in for days off and holidays. I don't care about exams anymore," she let out. "So thanks to Carlos, I'm here," she smiled.

Lando smiled widely. "This made my weekend so much better." Her eyes were locked with his. "I can't imagine a better race weekend like this. How long are you staying? I saw you talking to Flo and Cisca, they like you."

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