4 ~ Help Me

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It was lunch already. I was abosultley starving. But i didn't want much. I never wanted much.

I stood in line for some food. And i felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around suddenly. I hate it when people touch me. You know, like i have my personal space please don't enter unless i love you or give you permission to.

A tall, blonde boy with bright blue eyes stood infront of me. He looked familar.

'Hey' he started saying 'i was wondering if you wanted to sit with me and my friends?' He asked me with a smile on his face. Open just a little to show his gleeming white teeth.

'Erm, yeah sure. Can i just get my lunch?' He nodded and picked up a tray too.

When we got our food. I would say we walked but i kinda followed him. So i followed him to his table with his friends. A circular table so everyone could see everyone. They reminded me of High School Musical for some reason. I loved them movies, i even cried at the last one because there wouldn't be another. Elle stop, you're getting side tracked.

He introduced me to his friends but still hadn't told me his name. There was a Sophie, Jess, Calum and Ashton.

We were all gossiping and i learnt that that Ashton went out with Sophie. Jess went out with a guy called Nick. And Calum, me and blondie were single. Finally he turned to me and said;

'Luke by the way' adding a little wink at the end.

'You're just useless. You made him worse'

When will these voices stop! It was finally the end of the day and math had just finished. I walked out with Calum and Luke. Being a gentlemen Luke offered me and Calum a lift back. So i took up on the offer so did Cal. I am allowed to call him that? I mean we're not even that close? Oh well...

The ride back was calm. Luke had the radio on lowly so we could still talk to each other and hear us.

'Just up here on the right' i pointed so Luke could see where to go. As the car stopped i grabbed my bag and said bye and a thank you to Luke and walked up the driveway.

'How was your day sweetie' dad said as soon as i walked through the door with a smile on my face.

'Actually it was really good. I made some new friends believe it or not' i joked to him. After that i only saw him at dinner.

I was quite proud of myself. The first time in forever when i have had more than 1 friend. Plus the boys were really hot. Who wouldn't want to be friends with 3 really good looking boys.

By the time i had finished thinking about my past, future, present and him. I decided it was time to go to bed.

So i changed into my pj's and off to sleep i went.

At this point Michael isn't in because of reasons which will be explained later in the story;) and ashton is the same age as luke and calum so yeah.
Thank you again:)
Much love x

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