6 ~ How Did You

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He just nodded and looked at me confused. Probably because i was a random chick that knew his name.

'Well, erm am i okay to ask you a few questions?' He just stared blankly at me with no emotion on his face, hid body or his eyes. Its was like all of his emotions had been drained.

'Yeah, but who are you?' He asked in return to my question.

'Elle. Elle White' he nodded and gave me a little smirk and let me to the libary so we could talk.

Nothing was said on the way, but i was just examoning him. Like, what had gone on between Luke and him? Why had he moved? Why was his hair bright blue? Why didn't he show emotion? What did he do in the past? Why does everyone at Norwest hate him?

Soon enough we were there. He led me to a table in the corner, probably because he was too 'popular' to be seen in here.

'Right, you probably think i'm a weird chick that had just told you your name and wouldn't know how she got it. Well i have a few things i would like to ask you and for you to tell, i mean you don't have to tell you can just walk away but it would be really helpful if you could.' By the time i finished what i was saying i was nearly out of breath. I wasn't good at breathing inbetween sentences.

'Okay, but it depends what you would like to know' he said with a smirk on his face.

'Do you know someone called Luke Hemmings?' I had found some emotion in his body. His fists clenched and his kuckles turned white.

'Yes, unfortunatly' he now had a little attidute to it.

'Why do you hate him and why does he hate you?'

'Well, 2 years ago we were best friends. Like brothers. But soon enough it all turned upside down. We met some girls that were new to Norwest and we became friends with them. We both deveolped feelings for them. Me to Lucy and Luke to Zoe. But i started to get real close with Zoe and Luke didn't like that. Then one day we were at party and Zoe revealed her feelings towards me and that she had been using Luke to get to me. Of course we were both drunk so we kissed and took it up to the bedroom. Everything was quite a blur but i knew that i lost my virginty to her. In the morning i realised what i'd done too late. Luke came bardging into my room and saw me and Zoe naked in bed together. He came up to me and punched me real hard like 4 times. But after that me and Zoe got drunk that night and i drove around town and we crashed. I put her in a coma for 6 months. But she's alive and healthy now. And from then on we have never been friends. That's why Luke has trust issues, because of me.'

'Thank you so much for this Michael. Although you were a bit of a shitty friend if you did that to your besy friend' i say back to that long story.

'You don't know anything and if i could turn back time i would. Just fuck off' i looked at him shocked and walked away.

'You shouldn't be alive right now'

It was the lesson before lunch and luckily i was with Calum in Math. The bell had just rung for lunch. On the way to the canteen i had to tell Calum about the other day with Michael.

'Hey Calum, i need to talk to you. Without the others. Can we go sit in the libary?'

'Yeah sure, i'm always here Elle.'

As we headed off to the libary at the other end of the school we had light conversations over silly things.

When we sat down i looked at him worried at how i would say it. What he would say when i told him. How he would react. Elle calm down.

'I went to speak to Michael.' I blurted out.


So now you know the story of Luke and Michael:) i hoped u like it cause it took me a while to write.
Thank you again:)
Much Love x

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