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She stood on the rooftop gazing over the city of New York looking for crime or any sign of sin. It was her task, her purpose and the fool who stood in her way wouldn't live to regret their mistake.

A cry came from a distance and she cleared it in a matter of seconds, a skill her friend was teaching her she would never be as good but still. She looked to the pavement and saw four girls, one lying on the pavement while the other three towered above her, she knew what was happening and she knew what would happen, they'd hurt her pull her hair scratch and then she'd go home and cry her eyes out and slowly but surely they'd pick away at her, until she had enough. That was the way things went that was the order. But she had never been one to follow orders.

She jumped from the building and landed behind the tormenters "stop" she ordered and the ring leader spun around on her heel "what" she demanded and the girl from the rooftop didn't even bat an eyelid at the harsh tone "you heard me" she replied and the girl growled "you can't tell me what to do" she growled and the other girl sighed an looked the tormenter straight in the eye "no, but you'd be wise to listen" she replied and slowly began to take a few slow steps forward, the heels of her combat boots clicked on the pavement "now are you going to me a good girl or am I gonna have to teach ya a lesson" she asked and the other girls eyes narrowed although her lankies seemed to be considering retreating "what about you two are you gonna be good girls and leave this poor child alone" the girl from the rooftops asked but the leader narrowed her eyes fiercely and they got back in line "and how exactly are you going to 'teach us a lesson'" the leader mocked and her and her lankies surrounded the girl who was standing up to them "three against one that hardly seems fair, wouldn't you agree" the surrounded girl called out to the silent onlooker on the pavement who hadn't moved a muscle since her saviour had arrived and nodded her head fiercely "I agree" her saviour responded and with a snap of her fingers a blur of blonde raced past and took one of the girls and some vines crept up on the other covering her mouth and a pair of hands pulled her away.

Now alone with the older stronger girl the slight panic became obvious in her eyes although she kept up the fight "that's more like it" the other girl replied and ran forward and grabbed the girl by the hair and kneed her in the stomach and just like that the fight was over. Still grabbing the girls hair, she was lifted up and the other girl lifted her up "think about why this is happening, think about why you deserve this, think about what you do to others" she whispered and the other defeated girl gave a shaky breathe "I don't deserve this" she muttered and the other girl scowled "oh yea, you hurt a defenceless girl for no good reason other than the fact that you didn't like the look of her, you do bad things, bad things happen to you" she hissed and the other girl looked up "l-like karma" she asked unconvinced and the other girl smirked "yea, Karma" she responded and the other girl scowled "karma's a bitch" she growled and the other girl ignored her "run along now and think about what I told you" she told her and the defeated girl ran home nearly tripping on her crazy high heels.

A second later three girls appeared beside the saviour from the rooftops, one of them reached out and lifted the girl from the pavement with these vine/whip things that came from her palms made of..........light. "Now you can't tell anyone about this alright" her original saviour asked and the normal girl nodded "thank you" she said and the four nodded before walking off "karma isn't a bitch" the girl said and one of them stopped and turned around, the one who had beaten up her bully "usually" she responded and then continued walking with the others.
So that's the prologue thx for reading and please tell me what you think

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