Chapter 8

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"You need a vacation" Dad said gently.

I was just leering at him. For a miraculous reason, dad became more gentle with me. He doesn't always shout when he sees me. Maybe because of that one time he saw me bathing in my own blood?

"Aiden! Shit! Aiden! Wake up, son!"

I heard and saw how dad looked worried while looking at me.

But I could not feel anything. My eyes are half-closed. The blood from my wrist is flowing nonstop. I tried to cut my wrist again because the pain is too much. I can see her everywhere. I can smell her scent. She reminds me of everything. Maybe the people are right. Maybe I'm crazy.

"Call the ambulance quick!"

Dad shouted at mommy who was shaking and crying. She was trying to hold me but jumped because of dad's shout. She immediately got out to look for help.


Dad pressed the fabric on my wrist to stop the blood. I feel like I'm slipping away. I resist the urge to close my eyes. I can see my dad crying.

"Fight son! I'm sorry... I'm sorry"

Ahh .. Hear that Bam? I guess they did love me huh? But I wanna be with you so bad bam.

I was taken to the hospital that day and recovered. Like what always happens. I sometimes think God is trolling me. Come on man, I wanna die. Why would want someone like me live? I'm literally a living shell. Empty. Just the shell.

"Go to Davao .. We have a resthouse in Samal. You can unwind and relax for awhile" he cleared his throat awkwardly after that and could not look at me. I mockingly smiled at him.

Davao is a city in the southern part of the Philippines on the island of Mindanao. And Samal is a small island with lots of beautiful resorts and breathtaking views.

Does he really not want me to die because he loves me? Or because he will lose his only heir when I disappear and no one will continue his company?

"And what will happen to your dearest company without me?" I mocked.

He cleared his throat again and sat down properly.

"I can work. In the meantime. Besides, Albert will help me"

Albert Is dad's most trusted assisted and is the COO of the company.

I smirked at lazily stood up.

"Okay then.."

I saw him sighed in relief.

The next day I found myself in our resthouse in Samal cannibad. At the end of a rocky cliff overlooking the blue sea. There are resorts not far from here.

I was just dumbfounded as I watched the sun go down now. I sighed as I cannot help but think of her. Everything just reminds me of her.

I bought some can of beers and chips in the local convenience store near the port beside camp holiday resort.

As I was drowning myself again with alcohol, all I can think of is Gifts' face. I was begging for her to show again. I already drank a lot of beer. My eyesight is doubling and I feel dizzy but she still didn't show up.

Frustrated and on the verge of crying, I stormed out the rest house. I walked to the beach while holding a beer. I staggered and My pants got wet because I was getting closer to the water.

Fuck it!

My eyes narrowed with a glimpse ahead. I smiled when I saw Gift.

The water is already in her waist. She's a bit far from me. The water was still on my knees so I hurriedly walked towards her. I was desperate to hold her, so I reach out my hand uttering her name.

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