Chapter 4

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Wyatt POV

I went to my seat and started to copy down the notes the teacher put on the board when I saw a note passed to me.

I opened it and was a little upset.

"Hey, wanna ditch this class - Willa"

I looked at her and she stared back at me with a grin. I shook my head while throwing the note back at her and continued to copy the notes on the board.

~After class~

I packed all my stuff and walked out of the class following everyone out the door. I looked behind me and saw Zed still inside. I told less than half of my pack I'd see them later and paced quickly to him and shook him slightly.

"Hey Zeddie," I whispered.

He groaned in response and lifted his head.

"What," he muttered while rubbing his eyes.

"Class is over," I replied while grabbing his bag and giving it to him.

He got up and grabbed his bag while almost falling until I caught him. We stayed in that position for a while until we let go of each other flustered and walked out with some distance between us. I led him to his next class which was mine and to his seat. I was about to go to my seat when he asked where all the other wolves are.

"Oh they ditched."


"Well, it's not fun being in one place for like 8 hours doing nothing but work."



"So, do you want to ditch or..."

"Well, I don't want to get in trou-"

"I can go with you."

"But what about school. You worked so hard to-"

"Shhh," he said as he placed his finger on my lips, "I'm going with you whether you like it or not."

I laughed as I ran with him out of the school and went all over town. We got lunch with a little froyo on the side, obviously, and I showed him to a part of the woods so we could eat it, myself trying to stop him from eating so he could eat it in my favorite place.

As we arrived I saw him completely in awe at the scenery.

There was a waterfall leading to a beautiful calm lake with nice green grass that shined with the sunset's rays of color.

We sat down near a tree that had a few rocks that made it look like a "couch," as Zed described it. We laid out the food and started to eat while talking.

"So, where do you think your pack is right now," Zed asked as he stuffed his face with the chips that he had.

"Either at the den or who knows where."

Just then we heard a howl in the distance.

"They're pretty near where we are, you think we should finish up before they find us."

"Why," I responded as I chewed down on one of Zed's chips.

"Well I assumed you guys still thought of me as a hypocrite, you know."

I scooted closer to him as I grabbed his hand.

"Ok, they still do think of you that way, as I've heard, but they don't know you like I do."

"You're kind," I turned his face toward me, "You always try to see the bright sight of things," we were so close, our breathes mixed together with our chests touching, ".....You make me happy."

I looked at him with our gazes connecting. All of a sudden with one swift and gentle move, I was on Zed's lap. He looked straight into my eyes then quickly returned to them after a quick glance at my lips.

"Really," he asked seductively. I placed my arms around his neck while he placed his on my waist.

"Really," I responded in the same tone as the distance between us almost closed until I heard someone from behind me.

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