Chapter 9

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Addison POV

As the bell rang, I saw from the corner of my eye that Zed was heading to his first class. I sighed knowing I might get detention for this but if it was to make Zed happy, I had to do it.

I went all around school while sneaking around the teachers so they won't ask what I'm doing out on the hall and not in class. Last time I talked to Willa she told me where she and her pack might be if they weren't in class or on school grounds.

I first headed for the gym and they weren't there, nor were they in the cafeteria. As I walked to football field, I walked past a huge claw mark on the lockers.

I remember the students who owned them were planning on confronting the wolves but were too shy since wolves were "blood-thirsty monsters." I chuckled at the idea of them ever being monsters since it was pretty much impossible to see them as that, especially Wynter.

"What are you laughing at my snowflake?"

I turned around and saw Willa coming out of the bathroom with her arms spread wide while walking towards me. She attempted the hug me but at the last moment I moved out of the way, leading her to almost fall to the ground.

"Addison is something wro-"

"Why did you tell Zed he couldn't see Wyatt anymore?"

She froze in place as her eyes widened for a second when her expression went back to her serious face who she gives to everyone but usually not me or the wolves as much.

"Look, whatever Zed told you isn't the whole idea, I don't want my brother to be with someone who's a hypocrite and tries to change people so they can be liked which is what he already does!"

"But that doesn't mean you have to shut him out or treat him like a parasite because as I remember it, before you came here, everyone here treated THEM like a parasite and if it wasn't for him changing Seabrook for the better, you wouldn't be here and we wouldn't be dating and you guys would still be dying!"

Holy pom poms. I instantly regretted saying that and quickly tried to apologize before what she said that absolutely broke me.

"Fine, if that's what you think, then this," she gestured to the both of us, "is over."

"But all I said was that if it weren't for Zed, then we wouldn't be together."

"Well," she growled at she turned around, "I guess we don't need Zed to not be together, we're doing a perfectly good job without him."

She started to walk away and I started to chase after her.

"You can't be serious about this Willa, you know I didn't mean it," she turned a corner and looked back at me, "Willa," I whispered as she continued to walk away.

I stood there crying and slid down a wall to process what had happened. Not only was I not able to fix the problem with Wyatt and Zed not seeing each other but Willa broke up with me from trying to reason with her about it.

When the bell rang, I quickly went to the bathroom to check if it was noticeable that I was crying and gladly it wasn't and I continued throughout the day as I normally would, until lunch.

I was eating lunch with the Zombies in the corner of the cafeteria and the whole table noticed me and Zed weren't happy and they asked but we both just said we were fine and they continued talking sparing us glances throughout the time.

"Addison," I heard a cheerful voice say.

It was pretty easy to tell who it was and he was heading in my direction.

"I heard the great news," Bucky said as he sat next to me while avoiding the zombies, "congratulations on your relationship with Willa ending," he patted my shoulder, "good now that that mutt can't distract you anymore."

He walked away but not before I could deal with his ass.

As he walked away with the aceys following him, I got up and followed him quick enough to not regret what I was about to do.

<Warning, you will see a side of Addison that you may not like>

Eyes were instantly on me as I pushed Bucky to the ground and punched him in the jaw. I heard gasp all around me and some calling for help as I punched and each time I told him how much of a bitch he was.

"You're a jerk."


"You're a bully."


"You think you're 'Mr.Perfect.'"


"Well guess what," I holded his shirt in my grasp as I stared deep into his scared, fearful eyes, "You're not, you're a monster. Not the Zombies, not the wolves, and certainly not anyone who is against you, it," punch, " is," punch," You!"

Before I could give him the final blow, someone pulled me away as I struggled against their grasp.

<Ok Addison is back to her usual self that she shows to people now>

"Addy, stop, this isn't you!"

I stopped as I heard Zed say that, Bucky on the ground bloody and unconscious, and the sound of everyone around me in complete horror of what I've just done.

They carried Bucky to the ambulance outside the school, ready to take him to the hospital, and I looked down to see my clothes and my hands covered in his blood.

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