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(written Oct. 23 2014, age 13)
(Please note that the dandelion comparison does not belong to me. I read it on a picture quote a while back, from a public source, and I tried to remember it word from word. Sadly, I do not think I got it 100%.)
(Also, yes. I am all pro gay. If you disagree with my choices of loving and accepting every one of God's children for who they are and what they cannot control, please do not message me. I understand you have your opinion. And I have mine.)


If you ask me

if I will love you

till the end of time...

"I do. I am. And I will."

Love illuminates.

Love is the flicker of light

amongst the blackness

of the cave surrounding.

Love is someone who

beats all odds with you.

Love is a dandelion.

Some people see it as a weed.

Some see it as a wish.

Love is someone

who will swim

in the stars with you.

Love is anything;

gay, straight, lesbian, no matter.

Love is genuine.

Love starts from the bottom of your soul

and spreads across you

like a wildfire.

There is nothing as wonderful,

as limitless,

or as beautiful as loving,

and being loved in return.

It is capturing, and magical.

It warms your soul

even on the coldest of days,

and it sets your heart ablaze.

Love is uncontrollable

and pure

and I think I've found my someone...

my someone worth blazing for.

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