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Sometimes the story might be a little messy, it is because I don't really think when I'm writing this...I'm just writing the first thing that comes into mind. I hope y'all enjoy

Hanzo's POV
Home was...awkward, I couldn't sit because of Jesse that nice, beautiful, handsome, cowbo-arghh HE DID THIS TO ME I cant forget that. After dinner, I told Genji to come into my room. After he entered he asked "why did you call me here" I went silent for a bit and stuttered for a while and inhaled "Jesse...MEI have entered me" Genji's face went 😁 (I dont have expression grade)
"My my brother, what a fish to catch. And here I thought that you weren't the one to receive it" my face turned red and he continued
"Well, can you do me a favor?... you owe me one" I sighed and said
"What is it?" His face was full of embarrassment and finally opened his mouth
"Well... I know that you hang out with Angela... and I wanted you to ask her if she has a boyfriend or any interest" I sighed
"I'll see what I can get tomorrow" genji's face went wide again and hugged me "THANK YOU BROTHER"
"I-uh...ehh- you're welCUM" and Genji left my room. I went to sit on my chair to pick out clothing to shower but "AAARGH" it still hurts like it just happened, and my father knocks
"Everything ok there?" He asks worryingly
"It's fine here" I responded and he left. After showering I headed to bed and wondered how nice it would be if Jesse could be in my bed often, and I went to sleep.

After arriving at school, Genji reproached me and asked
"Remember what to ask Angela"
"Ask me what?" Angela was behind us and genji went in full embarrassment
"Come on Genji, tell her" I asked to the coward thing I call brother
"A-Angela, do you have any romantic interests?" And Angela smiled
"I can tell who's yours" Genji was caught a little off guard
"Do-would you like to come watch a movie with me?" Angela had a bigger smile
"Gladly, does tomorrow sound ok?"
"IT'S MORE THAN OK, thank you, you won't regret it"
"Goodbye Genji" and so genji left. Angela turned to me and asked
"Hanzo, do you know why Jesse is in our group?" I never thought of that, but now I am intrigued "no, why?"
"It's because Jesse was the only one to help us. We were called the 'nerd' group because we are bright and are pretty much geeks and gamers. We were bullied EVERY day and didn't have a way to fend for ourselves, it went like that for about 3 months of torment, threats, and sometimes even physical. Jesse, like the loner he used to be, saw from the corner and just as they were going to gank on Lucio, Jesse fought them... ALL 4 OF THEM (only the guys) BY HIMSELF, so Lucio asked if he could come with him and brought him to us...and Jesse wanted to provide protection. To this day, everyone is scared of him since he used to get physical often until they all stopped. But we had something in common with Jesse, he was a huge geek as well" I smiled at her words since I know how nice and considerate Jesse can be and she still continued
"What I'm trying to say, is that Jesse can make you feel comfort and protection, you are safe under his hands... and I hope I can feel safe under your brother's hands as well" I smiled and told her about the training me and Genji have
"Maybe I shouldn't worry too much" then Jesse was approaching us and I remembered ALL the words Angela said "Hey Jesse" he went in and kissed me if front of the school for the first time and everyone around was full on staring at us. But Jesse being him glared at each one, and those who he looked at l, looked away scared of getting beaten by him and I hugged him even tighter
"Hello Hanz" *ring* the bell rang and we went to class.

Thanks for reading. The ending is coming soon, so after that it will be like one shot type of stuff

Mchanzo School AU (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now