Chapter I

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The sound of the door creaking is echoing through out the room. Dark. Everything is dark so I turned on my flashlight to find the switch.

I clicked the switch and the lights are starting to light up. There is nothing much in here, just a three big bookshelves, tables and chairs.

I thought I could unveil my past by doing these things but I was exactly wrong.

Im walking towards the table and saw a mirror there, i picked up the mirror and saw my reflection. Pale skin, red lips, rosy cheeks, I look exactly like my dad.

A wave of flashback is passing by my mind.

"Mommy look! I found a daisy!" I said cheerfully while bragging the daisies I found to my mother. She faced me with a faint smile while tears are rolling down her cheeks. "mommy, why are you crying?" innocence is pouring through my words. I didn't know whats happening, I was too young back then my mind couldn't process anything.

"Valerie, you can't see you're dad anymore." She said while holding my cheeks. Daddy and I was the best of friends so the thought of not seeing him scares the eight year old me.
"But why?" I asked innocently, which she responded, "It' s just... daddy.. has a lot of work to do okay?" I was relieved back then because I thought he would come back after he is done working.

Eight years have passed and im 16 years old back then, we didn't recieved any news about my father, when I ask my mom about it she would shrug it off and get mad at me. Ever since dad has left us, mom has changed. She became violent towards me and now hangs out with a man younger than her and insists to be my dad. They were both violent. Whenever they come home drunk, they would let out their stress at me, punching me, harassing me, you name it they do it.

One night I was crying in my room because of the soreness of my arms caused by their beating, when my moms boyfriemd entered my room, drunk. I was scared to get beaten again. I asked him what is he doing but he didnt answered me, instead he's brushing my hair gently and saying how beautiful I look. He creeped me out, I was scared and I cant do anything so all I did was cry my eyes out.

He started grabbing my cheeks and forced me to kiss him, I was grossed out so I shouted as loud as I could but he immediately cobers my mouth so I couldnt scream.

I saw my mom entered the room. I was so happy because someone can finally save me because her boyfriend is going to rape me. but I was wrong, there she is hodling a camera and trying to record.

"We'll gonna extract money from you Valerie so don't you fucking try to shout. You're useless in this household, for petes sake be useful for once."

I thought mom would save me, but I was wrong. She used me to gain her money.

My step dad is starting to kiss my neck. I didn't like it. I was grossed out so I pushed him but he pulled my hair and taped my hands so I couldn't move. I cant do anything, I can't fight back so there I was, crying and begging for mercy while I was getting filmed being molested.

A year has passed after that incident, I escaped from my home. I wandered through the streets trying to find my father. But I couldn't find him anywhere. So I cried and I cried then a man was claiming to know dad, he wprks at the same company daddy used to work so I followed him and here I am today.

Tears are rolling down my cheeks when I remember the trauma I got that time. Though Mr. Thomas didn't tell me where dad is, he said that he'll tell me someday when im ready and I should work for him as his assistant and he'll grant me a shelter, food, and everything I need.

Its better when its like this, I am free and no one will hurt me again.

If I found dad, we'll live together and have the best life I could ever imagine.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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