Chapter:2 page:6

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Waking up in Travis's arms was actually...nice. Sinking back into the warmth I fall back asleep.
I wake up to my door closing. I guess he didn't want me knowing that he was in my room. I sit up and stretch. Checking the time. I looked out the window and for some reason it reminded me of the day me and the group had hung out.
♤♡◇♧flash back♧◇♡♤
"Yo sal pick up the pace!" Larry yells back at me "I'm sorry that you have long ass legs and I'm stuck with these things!" I yell slapping my thigh. I made it up the hill and fall straight to the ground. "Your gonna get itchy." Ash says. "Yeah your right I should get up." I say looking up at ash and continue to lay down. "Okay let's set up the picknick area." Nile suggests. And we do so. Once were all done we just sat on the blanket and all talked. And of course larry had a pipe with him so we all took a hit. The day goes on and we all just talk and share laughs with each other. "Travis is a ass hole." Larry just randomly says. "Dont talk down on him,he can have stuff going on at home." I say looking at larry. "Why do you defend him he's a prick why cant you see that." "You just never see the good I'm people." "I SEE THE GOOD IN PEOPLE I JUST DONT LOOK PAST THE SHIT THEY THROW." "yeah okay, I need to get home I need to feed gizmo." "I'll come with." Ash says. "No I wanna go alone." I say picking my things up and heading down the hill. I got down the hill and started walking back to the apartments. Once I'm inside i try and ignore everyone but that doesn't work. I get to mine and my dads apartment and head straight to my room.......after I got my dinosaur chicken nuggets..
*End Of Flash Back*
I really miss my family and friends. I miss my dad. I miss gizmo. And larry. I miss.............everything. before I know it I'm braking down. Its all your fault why there gone. Yours. "Not nobody else's. You killed the you killed them all. You dont deserve to be here while they had to die.i would say to kill yourself but that would just give you what you want you deserve to live he'll on earth with out your "friends" or family."
I stand up in hope to make it out the door but I trip and my body is slammed on the floor all my weight clasping at one time. I sit up a and press myself to the wall. "I hate you so much, I hate you so much I hate you so much,I hate you so much, I hate you so much. I FUCKING HATR YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!" I yell at myself hitting my head against the wall.Hard enough to  make my wanna vomit. But before I could I ran to the bathroom. Once I thrw up all the organs In my body. I sit back against the wall. Puring my head in my shaking hands I start to cry. Because that's all I know how to do. I feel arms warp themselves around me and pick me. As I continued to cry like a child Travis takes me to one of the rooms. And he lays us on the bed while I cry into his chest and he just comforts me.

Travis's pov
I was in the room ash had lent to me. When I hear sal continuously scream I hate you and banging on the wall I give it a second be for I rush out and fine him rushing to the bathroom. Once he vomited I go over to him and pick him up and taking him to the room I was just in and layed us in the bed letting him cry while I rub his back to comfort him. Soon we both fall asleep.


I'm in love with a murderer (sal x Travis)Where stories live. Discover now