The Fairy helps the little boy climb a tree

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Life at the evil wizards lair began cruelly. Not Only was the little boy who liked to climb trees forced to wear a hideously lame jean jacket but he was also forced to work and clean all day. Never taking time to rest or sleep or even climb a tree. The Little boy was absolutely miserable and he would have still been miserable to this day had it not been for a certain pretty little fairy girl with lips glittering bright pink. you see The evil wizard made all the children sleep in a huge cage every night. So one night the little boy who liked to climb trees was awoken by a tiny little voice.
He rubbed his eyes and looked to see who was calling him. There in front of him was the little fairy girl. "What do you want? you've already made me horribly miserable. not only will I never be able to climb a tree ever again but I have to work and clean in this ugly jacket." The little boy Huffed. " I saved your life and here you betrayed me. I just don't understand why." The Little boy crossed his arms and glared at the Little fairy.
"I'm terribly sorry little boy. But you see I had no choice. You see I was not always a beautiful little fairy girl. Once I was a kid just like you and I was kidnapped by The wizard And forced to wear a hideously ugly jean jacket and work and clean in his lair. I was desperate to get out of that situation. Desperate enough to let the wizard turn me into a fairy and lure other children here. " She said tears streaming down her face. The Little boy stared of her for a moment.
"Believe me it's wonderful being a fairy. But I can't go see my parents or anything anymore so some days it's just ugh." The fairy girl finished wiping tears from her dampened green eyes
"There must be a way that we can all escape. Get away from the wizard. or least get away long enough for me to climb a tree I'm going insane!" Little boy said. the Fairy girl thought for a moment
"I don't know how we can escape. You see the jean jackets aren't just for being ugly. They also will keep you from going back home but I think I know how you can climb a tree at least."
The fairy girl shrunk down to size and snuck through the bars of the cage. She then Grew to the boys size and grabbed his arms.
then to little boy's shock and amazement as she began to shrink back down he began to shrink too. She grew big enough that he could ride her and she flew him out to where the trees waited.
"This is wonderful now I can climb trees again. " The little boy said it with joy. He began to climb. The fairy girl watched happily. As the boy happily climbed from Branch to Branch his jean jacket suddenly got caught on a twig. The little boy frowned and pulled trying to get free.
The little boy looked in shock. He'd accidentally ripped one of the patches off his jacket. The fairy girl gasped. The little boy fumbled with the jacket a little. it felt looser.
"Little boy! The jackets! The jackets keeping us here! Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
The fairy cried. the little boy looked at where the patch had ripped off his jacket. Now there was a small hole. He smiled at her. "If we destroy all the jackets you'll be able to take all of us home and we'll be able to escape from The wizard. He gave the hole a yank making the hole bigger and loosening the jacket more. He can already taste freedom.

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