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The little boy opened his eyes and looked around. He was in a giant cage. the ordinary little girl who was once a fairy laid beside him.
"Oh my goodness we've been captured again!" The little boy exclaimed. he quickly tried to shake her awake. The little girl's soft pale green eyes fluttered open. The evil jean jacket wizard looked at the little boy and sneered at him.
"Now that I have you in my clutches I'm going to do to you what you did to my precious jean jackets. Tear you to shreds!!!"
And The wizard whipped out a huge shredder with all the children tied above it.
"No!!" The little boy screamed!
"And just because I KNOW how much you LOVE climbing trees, I'm going to chop down ALL THE TREES IN THE FOREST!!!!!"
"NO!!!!!" The boy screamed!!
The little boy felt his temper rising. Without trees he would have nothing to climb!!!
" NO! I WON'T LET YOU DO THIS!!!!" he screamed. and in one desperate attempt he pulled the pudding his mother had given him earlier out of his pocket and hurled it at the wizard.
"AHHHHHHH!!!" The wizard shrieked, As the pudding permanently stained one of his hideous patches.
"Look at what you have done to me!!!! I'll never get this to come out!!!" He shrieked. The little boy's eyes lit up. He turned to the exfairy girl, shaking her. "Little girl! Quickly!! Do you still have glitter from when you throw glitter on people going thur the forest!!" He begged. She looked at him and reached into her pockets  pulling out freshly made glitter ready for throwing.
"Children children!! Do you carry any food or such on you!!" The boy cried out to the kids tied up.
The little Asian girl wiggled her arms free and pulled out some of the berries she'd gathered from the trees earlier. more children wiggle their arms free pulling out more berries from their pockets. The little boy looked to the soft dirt ground he was standing on and gathered up some of the dirt. Then they all turn to the wizard.
"My poor beautiful patch you Brad's totally ruined it I'll never get it to come out now, I........" The wizard was complaining but he stopped. The little boy who liked to climb trees smiled.
"NOW!!!!!!" he shouted. all of the children begin to bombard the wizard with berries dirt and glitter.
"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" He shrieked.
"my patches my patterns you're ruining them!!!!!!" He shrieked in agony. But the children kept it up. As a children bombarded the jean jacket wizard with all sorts of clothes staining materials the jean jacket wizard fell to the ground. The little boy who walked up to the wizard who was heaving in agony. The wizard looked up at the little boy.
The boy reached out and grabbed a hold of one of the wizard's sleeves.
"This is for all the children you've trapped here." He said and he ripped the sleeve clean off.
"AAAAHHHHHH!!!" The wizard screamed.
"This is for the hideous jean jackets you made us wear." And he yanked one of the wizard's  patches off.
"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!" The wizard could barely breathe.
Then finally he looked up gasping for air as the little boy looked at him straight.
"And this. This is for you. Hasta la vista Jerk." And the little boy took the wizard and straight up ripped him in half. The wizard screamed louder than any of the children had ever heard before until at last he went silent never to harm any children or make them wear hideous clothing ever again. The exfairy girl smiled at the little boy who liked to climb trees. Then before the little boy knew what was happening she went up to him and kissed him. He stood there for a few seconds in shock before he turned to her and kissed her back. they stood there for a few moments kissing passionately before suddenly sparkles began to flow around them. The little girl's eyes lit up and everyone's stood shocked and she turned back into a fairy!!
"Oh my goodness. The wizard didn't turn me back into a normal kid at all. He just locked away my powers. But our kiss..... Our kiss broke the spell so now I can take all of us home." She exclaimed. she grew to enormous size and all the children climbed on her back. the little boy was laughing as the air blew in his face and she took all of them back home.

The Boy Who Liked To Climb TreesWhere stories live. Discover now