Back Home Again

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It was nightfall by the time the little girl had gotten done dropping off all the children. All the children except for one. The little boy who liked to climb trees. The little boy could just make sight of his house. Raindrops quietly sprinkled on them as they walked back towards his house.
"Little boy I must confess I think I love you." The fairy girl admitted.
"I must confess too. I think I love you as well. I've never met a little girl that likes to climb trees as much as me. I think I'm going to miss you." The little boy replied.
"Does this mean that this is goodbye?" The fairy girl asked timidly.
"Not necessarily. " The boy answered.
"well if you ever get lonely and want someone to climb with I'll be here whenever you see the leaves fall I'll be here whenever you see a glitter or sparkle in the trees I'll be here waiting. Waiting for you to come back." She smiled at him, her cheeks glittering pink. The little boy found himself go a little red in the face and smiled back at her.
"I think I would like that." He responded. Then the little boy at last entered his house. He put on his pajamas and he crept quietly back into his bed where he at last slipped into a deep slumber.

The Boy Who Liked To Climb TreesWhere stories live. Discover now