Chapter 5

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Cas blinked, "Take your shirt off". Did Dean just ask him to take his shirt off? "Please." He did.

Cas watched as Dean wet a couple of paper towels, stopped, and looked at him in the mirror. Cas sighed and unbuttoned his shirt slowly, but Dean shook his hands in the sink and turned around, "C'mon Cas, your like, what, 20-25?" Cas blushed. 22. Dean unbuttoned Cas' shirt quickly and Cas pulled it off, bunching it up and handing it to Dean.

Cas sat on the bench behind him and ran his fingers through his hair. He looked up and saw Dean staring at him through the mirror, looking away as soon as he caught his eye. Cas blushed and self consciously rubbed his neck. Dean turned around and dropped the paper towels, fumbling to catch them. Cas laughed at the clumsy man before him.

Dean scratched his cheek, "Are you tryin' to be sexy or something?" Cas blushed bright red. He could see his red cheeks in the mirror. Embarrassed, he turned away. Dean walked over to Cas and kneeled down between his legs, "Move your arms." Cas put his hands on either side of him and watched as Dean wiped the sticky coffee from his body.

Cas stared at Dean as he cleaned him up. Dean stood back and threw the paper towels in the trash. "Dean, I can clean myself.." Cas' vpice trailed off when Dean gave him a look. Cas suppressed a shudder at the dark glint in his eyes. He turned around and raked his fingers through his hair, "Okay, take your pants off" Cas froze. "Dean, im fine now I'm clea-" Dean's voice boomed, "Just take your damn pants off." he turned around, "I told you I liked guys, so I've obviously seen a ton of dicks before." Dean turned back around, "Take your pants off."

Cas complied, unbuckling his belt and then dropping his pants to the floor. Cas looked around and remembered that he left his jacket in the booth. He grabbed Dean's leather jacket and pulled it over his half-naked body, embarrassment burning through his cheeks, "O-Ok Dean."

Cas watched Dean turn around and chuckle, "Okay, I'm never washing that jacket again." Cas punched Dean in the arm when he walked by. He was gonna say something witty when a loud bang came at the door. Dean and Cas looked at eachother fearfully, then back at the door, then back at eachother. "Uhh. Sorry, occupied." Dean shrugged, looking at Cas. Whoever was on the other side of the door was pissed because they bang even harder, "I said its fucking occupied! Now i suggest you back the fuck up and go to the Ladies' Room!" Dean hollered. The banging stopped and they heard mumbling and shuffling as they walked away.

Cas laughed, "Wow, my hero."

Dean bowed elegantly, "Cant let the princess be interrupted, now can we?"

Cas giggled small, and Dean started to rummaging through the closet, "What are you doing?" Dean shrugged, "I dont know. Curious." Cas rolled his eyes as a roll of toilet paper bonked Dean on the head. Cas turned his head slightly to see himself in the smudged mirror.

What the hell am I doing?  Cas scolded. Im naked in a Men's bathroom with some stranger I met on a subwway. Cas was so deep in thought he didnt even notice Dean taking his shirt off. Cas stood up quickly, Dean's jacket sliding off his thighs, leaving his legs cold and bare.

Dean looked over, slowly trailing Cas' lean body. "Well well well.." Cas felt something threaten to pop inside of him. The way this shirtless subway prince was looking at him made his whole body just.. Oh my god. Why now?!

Dean keeled over, his face red. He was giggling like a young boy. Cas covered his underwear with his hands and slipped onto the hard, cold tile floor. He winced in pain as he scrambled to the far wall, "I, uh, its, uh." Dean bundled the plaid button up he had slid off just a couple minutes before, "Am I exciting you?"

Castiel squeezed his eyes shut. He groaned,  suppressing the building burn in his gut. Shirtless Dean Winchester had actually given Cas a boner. 

Dean tossed the bundled shirt at Cas. "Borrow mine, your shirt is just embarrassing. " Dean winked, pulling on his jacket and zipping it up, "Besides, you look good in it, kid." Dean gave Cas one more look then slid out the door. Cas quickly scrambled over to the door,  locking it once more.

He sat against the door of that bathroom for god knows how long before standing up and trudging over to the sinks. His legs were numb with a weird feeling. And his heart fluttered in a strange way. Cas splashed water on his face. He looked at his cheeks in the mirror,  and their fading pink. He hung his head and groaned, I am not falling in love with Dean Winchester..

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