Chapter One

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(look at the picture 💞😭)

Denki POV:


I groaned and threw my pillow at my phone. It didn't do anything, and now I didn't have a pillow.

I sat up and stopped the alarm. My hair was an absolute mess and my eyes were still closed. I flopped down on my bed, but I smacked my head on the headrest. That woke me up.

I sluggishly got ready for the day. I put on my uniform, stuck a charger in my back pocket, and walked out my door. Right into Hitoshi Shinsou, the new kid in the hero course.

Damnit, this really isn't my day. I thought, rubbing my still sore head.

"Sorry, man."

"It's alright." Shinsou walked past me and downstairs to the commons area to eat breakfast.

I followed him, and plugged my charger into the outlet next to the couch and stuck the other end into my mouth.

Shinsou looked at me really funny, and I blushed. Mina brought me waffles.

"Fanksh," I mumbled around the charger.

"No problem." I saw the "lol" that Mina was having a hard time keeping in.

I pulled the charger out of my mouth. "I only have to do this once a week, so shut up." I smiled and stuck my tongue out at her.

Once I finished charging, I ate and left to go to class with Mina. Shinsou walked a few feet in front of us.

"Hey, Shinsou!!" Mina ran up to the moody, purple-haired boy.

Shinsou ignored her.

"Shinsouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Mina walked backwards in front of him. "Mind if we walk with you?"

"I can't stop you." Shinsou said.

"I mean, technically you can." Mina giggled.

Shinsou shrugged and kept ignoring my bubbly friend.

"Mina, c'mere!" Kirishima jogged up behind us. "Can't you see he wants to be left alone?"

"But I want to initiate him into Bakusquad!" Mina had an evil grin on her face.

"Spare me." Shinsou sped up to get away from Mina.

"Aww." Mina slowed her pace and put her head on Kirishima's shoulder.

"Why do you want to be friends with him so badly?" Kirishima asked.

"I don't know... I just feel like his emo-ness would be a nice contrast to, ya know, our bullshit."

I couldn't help it. I laughed out loud.

"Whattttt?" Mina ran backwards again.

Does she ever stand still? I thought.

"Nothing, it's just funny how you're like the secretary of our friend group." I said.

"I don't get paid nearly enough!" she fake scoffed.

"We pay you in hugs!" I wrapped my arms around her neck.

"Aww, I guess that's enough..." Mina sighed.

-/time skip to after class/-

"Has anyone seen Shinsou?" Mina showed us her phone screen. "I invited him, and he said he'd come."

The texts read;

Mina (Alien Queen) 👽👑💗💗


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