First teeth brushing

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Louis POV since Leah is teething me and the boys decided we could try her first teeth brushing
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Ok Leah I put her on the bathroom counter and find the baby toothpaste and gentle baby toothbrush I squirt a small amount on the toothbrush put the cap back on and get the toothbrush wet alright cutie daddy's gonna brush your teeth I know you don't know what it is but it's nothing bad it's just something very similar when daddy gave you your bath
She just stares at me I use my free hand and use it to put it under her chin with the toothbrush in my other hand alright baby girl "open up" can you say ahhh for me she does as told ahh she says in her cute little baby voice
Good girl I praise I start brushing her two little baby teeth when I'm finished I help her spit and put a cup of water to her lips drink sweetie I instruct she does as told good girl I praise.

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