Injuries mean a trip to the hopital

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Louis POV me and the lads are planning on taking Leah to the park
Skip to the park daddy daddy daddy I want to go on the monkey bars
Alright sweetie do you need help? No I'm a big girl she says sassily
It looks like she's inheriting being a sass master from her father Liam says while smirking
Whatever we were watching Leah until she missed the next bar and fell
Owwwwww she screamed while crying
Oh my gosh Leah baby are you ok
Hurts daddy
What hurts babe my arm she sobs
Guys I think we need to take her to the hospital make sure it's not broken
Good idea the other lads say
At the hospital excuse me miss
Yes the reception lady asks
Me and my friends were at the park with my 3 year old daughter and she was on the monkey bars and she slipped and fell off I think her arm might be broken.
Ok sir I'll inform the doctor your name and your daughters name and last name please?
My name is Louis Tomlinson and my daughter's name is Leah Christine Tomlinson
Hi I'm dr James how can I help you guys today well I think my daughter might have broken her arm I inform the doctor
Well ok I do an x ray and we will go from there
After the x ray ok I'm afraid that your daughter mr Tomlinson does have a broken arm but I will put a cast on her arm and please bring her back in a month so I can see how her arm is
Of course
Also make sure she takes it easy for her being little and all you will probably have to feed her her meals and bathe and stuff like that unless you already do it
Of course i will bye doctor
After Leah gets her cast we go home.

Louis Tomlinson's daughter Where stories live. Discover now