should I (14)

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I can't believe it. It happen again... I moved here with my family so we can forget what happen over seas but no... it happen again. It's all thanks to my aunt. I don't know what her plan was to make me a killer. Every time I even hold a knife or a gun I get this way. I thought that I broke it but I guess that I didn't " I hope you don't plane on jumping young lady" Koro sensei said while he landed. I couldn't even look at sensei. For the fear of disappoint..." I understand if you're not ready to talk about it but, I hope that you do know that your not alone anymore. You have your friends and your teachers beside Of course you have me by your side y/n. "

Koro sensei is right I have everyone in class three-E on my side but what if I hurt them. " Do I really have everyone on my side to try to stop what happen to me. I don't know how to stop it or control it. I tried for the past two years " I said trying not to cry.  Koro sensei smiled and said " The moment you step into my classroom you become my student and I'm responsible for you "


 Im very sorry I have writer block right now and I don't know what to do I'm very sorry but I do hope what I have so far until next time 

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