Girlfriend part one

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I want a girlfriend... I'm not sure if I fully understand what it means to have one but I sure know what I want when I'm feeling lonely and especially stressed. I do understand that I have to pay attention to her, be their for moral support and support her just in general cause I'd want the same thing! After reading this you might wonder why I don't actually have a girlfriend and the reason of that is because I'm as antisocial as a person that homeschooled for a while. I did. It sometimes feels like I'm trapped in a locked box when it comes to just randomly speaking to people and I hate it. This is what my mind has in it about what I wanna do with women though..

I wanna cuddle her when she's not feeling too good and kiss the corners of her mouth when she's sleep.

I wanna kiss her back to an ecstatic state when she fails at doing something.

I wanna give and get random kisses just because.

Of course I think about sex and often. When I think about sex I stop wanting to fap because all I can think about is how much better it'd be if another person was their just worshipping my body and vice versa but I can't do that if I don't know how to fucking speak.
Sometimes I wonder if I'll be lonely forever because of this. Maybe.

(Im still in school just in case anyone was wondering as you read on and some of it seems sus lol.)

A/n: These will gradually increase in sexual content

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