Chapter 4 - The Run

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//Attempt #8. Apparently, only one page showed up for all the pages, so hopefully it'll work this time...
I'm so slow at updating...I'm sorry! D:
But this chapter will be longer and it'll have action~
Beware: There will be some violence up ahead. If you're not comfortable with that, you're free to skip ahead.

I sat on my bed for what felt like hours, but when I look at the clock, only ten minutes have gone by.
I couldn't stop thinking about what just happened.
The horrible sounds of skin tearing and China's inhuman screams rang through my ears. Flashes of his body twitching in agony as his head grew into an unnatural form filled my vision.
I never thought something like this could happen. I never expected it. I should have-
Then the door opened and I looked up to see America and Japan walk in, their faces a bit pale and their breathing was a bit heavy from running.
"He escaped," America said, walking over to me. "And it's a bad idea to go out there right now."
I tried to speak, but my voice wouldn't cooperate. I cleared my throat, then tried again.
"Why's that?" I managed to whisper. I was shaking too much to make my voice any louder.
"Werr," Japan seemed to hesitate a bit before explaining. "Appearentry, China wasn't the onry one to...change. Many peopre in Ottawa have been changing and are running rampedry around the city."
I managed to stand up, trying to stop my knees from shaking. "But wouldn't that mean people out there are in danger?"
America nodded, his expression revealing his distress. "Yeah."
"Th-Then we can't hide away in here!" I said, but then he shook his head.
"The security isn't letting anyone out."
"Why!?" I asked incredulously.
"To avoid anyone erse getting hurt," Japan replied calmly, despite the situation.
"B-But...what about the people out there?" I asked, looking towards the window and out to the outside world.
"I don't know," America sighed. "And it pisses me off. I'm supposed to be a hero, but I can't be a hero if I can't even go out there to help the citizens in distress!"
I gritted my teeth as my fear was replaced by my own frustration. I met his sky blue eyes with my ocean blue ones, "But we can't just sit around!"
"I know," he said, then he turned around to walk out of the room. I met Japan's gaze before we both began following him. 
"We have to do something!" I said, refusing to allow people out there to get attacked by whatever those things are. But then I remembered that those 'things' were once people, too.
"My police force is doing everything they can to keep things under control and to keep the people safe," said a soft voice as we walked through the hall, and I turned to see Canada with Alice right by his side, both of their expressions were hard, but Canada's face is pale. They were both walking towards us, and now walked along side of us.
"Hey, you're their boss, right? Can't you just convince those security guards to let us out?" I asked as we walked.
"It's not that simple," Alice answered for Canada and the latter nodded.
"Qui. Not only do I not have that kind of authority, but they also don't know that I'm the personifitcation of this country. They wouldn't believe it if I just outright told them," Canada explained.
"That makes sense..." I mumbled, but then I spoke up. "Then what are we supposed to do?"
"That's easy," Alice said, a mischevious smirk spreading along her lips. "We get out without anyone noticing."
"How?" America asked, glancing at his sister.
At that moment, we were passing by large windows, and then Alice smashed her elbow into one of them, causing the rest us to jump in surprise.
"There," she said, knocking off a few of the larger pieces from the edges, then she gave her husband an apologetic look. "Sorry."
"N-No, it's alright," he replied, looking a bit surprised.
"Perfect!" America exclaimed, walking over to the broken window.
"I wirr gather the others," Japan said, now turning to run down the hall.
I stared out of the window into the outside world, where I can hear sirens of ambulances, police, and firetrucks. Jeez, things must be really crazy out there...
I'm glad some other countries were able to go back to their homeland, or else they'd be stuck here, too.
But wait, the news channel said that this virus is worldwide...could the other countries be in danger, too?
I glanced over at Canada, studying him. He had a hand pressed to his forehead and he looked a bit worn out, more than normal. He was sweating lightly and his face is still pale. His indigo eyes were looking out of the window, looking concerned.
Alice seemed to notice and set her hand on his arm. He met her gaze and gave her a weak grin, probably to reassure her, but it's obvious that it didn't work.
"Dude, are you okay?" America asked, also noticing Canada's unusual demeanor.
"Qui, I'm fine." His voice was stern, but his eyes said otherwise.
America looked like he was about to say something, but then we heard footsteps running our direction and we looked over to see Russia running down the hall. His face was also pale, he actually looked worse than Canada. And his expression...I've never seen that look from him before. He actually looked afraid, and when he saw us, he stumbled to a stop. He seemed dizzy, the way he wobbled as he tried to steady himself. His violet eyes met each of our gazes, but he seemed unfocused.
"Are you all okay?" He asked, but his voice sounded weak.
He panted from his running, one of his hands wiping sweat from his forehead and his other hand slightly pulled the scarf from his neck in order to cool down some. That's when I saw it.
Russia's veins are unusually dark, leading up his neck and to his jawline.
My eyes widened when I realized the truth. He has the same symptoms as China.
"R-Russia," I stuttered and he met my gaze. "You...You're-"
"You're infected," America said, staring at Russia with his own wide eyes.
He seemed to hesitate, then he nodded a bit.
" country is almost completely infected with the virus," he said, his expression darkening.
I swallowed hard, "Do-Do you guys think there's a way to treat the virus?"
"Not that we know of," America answered, but he didn't stop staring at Russia. "Not yet."
"How can we stop him from turning into one of those things, then?"
"We can't," Alice said softly, looking at Russia with sad blue eyes.
"B-But..." I stuttered, shaking my head. "We can't just do nothing!"
"There is nothing you can do," Russia said, wiping more sweat from his forehead, brushing back his pale blonde hair from his violet eyes which are dulled with exhaustion and sickness. "All you can do right now is make sure no body else gets infected, da? Now, I should probably go..."
"Wh-What?" Alice asked, her reddish-brown eyebrows furrowing.
"I can't stay here. I might spread the infection. I-It's only right for me to go," Russia took a few steps away from us.
"He's right."
Our gazes then glanced to the owner of the accented voice behind us to meet a pair of emeerald green eyes.
"We can't risk losing another country to the virus," England said sternly, but his eyes told us that he doesn't like it any more than we do. "It's best that he leaves to avoid spreading it."
"But, Russia-"
The Russian cut me off, shaking his head. "It's too late for me. Just make sure no one else gets infected, da?"
He had on a courageous expression, as if he was ready for what's coming to him. Now I can see the unusually dark marks under his skin spreading slowly up to his cheeks. The inticrate-like swirls wrapped around his cheekbones and spread to his broad nose.
America then stood in front of Russia, looking up at the taller male with determination, no longer seeming to be afraid of the Russian. "I swear to you that I will find a way to cure you and everyone else infected. You have my word."
Russia gave him a nod and a weak smile. "That's good."
Then he took a few more steps away, towards the broken window. Then, giving us one more nod, he jumped through it.
Me, America, Alice, and Canada all ran to the window in time to see him land on the ground two floors down without much of a problem, and then run off.
I wanted to say something, but I don't know what. What, exactly, am I supposed to say in a situation like this?
I watched as Russia ran out of sight, and then I stepped away from the window, knowing that there's nothing I can really do.
"Do you think he'll be alright?" I heard Alice murmur soflty. She gained no reply.
That's when I heard more footsteps heading our direction and we looked over to see the remaining countries; the ones that have yet to leave for their homeland.
Hungary, Japan, Germany, Italy, Romano, France, Spain, and Prussia. 
"Is it true?" Hungary was the first to reach us, lifting the ends of her blue skirt. "Is it true vhat happened to China?"
America nodded, "Yeah. It happened right in front of us."
Romano was by my side in an instant, silently asking me if I was alright. I hesitated, then nodded.
"We need to get out of here," England spoke up. "There are a lot of infected out there, and this building can't protect us forever."
"Haha, dude, it sounds like we're in the Walking Dead," America commented, but then England and a few others glared a him, although I managed a grin and Alice giggled.
"Now is not the time for stupid referrences," England said, shaking his head. "Right now, we just need to go."
"Right," Germany said with a small nod, his pale blue eyes looking on with courage. Italy was clinging onto his arm, his face pale and his brown eyes were wide with fear and concern. 
"Vhat vill ve do about zhe guards, zhough?" Germany asked, but then America shook his head.
"No need to mess with them. We have our escape route right here," he jutted his thumb towards the broken window, leading to the ground two stories down.
"Zhat's reckless!" France said, shaking his head a little, causing his waving blonde hair to shift with the movement.
"It's better than nothing," Alice said, crossing her arms. "We need an escape and this is the quickest way."
"Dangerous...I like it," Prussia said with a little smirk and an approving nod, but then Germany sent a glare at him.
"Alice is right, it the fastest way." England stated, also crossing his arms. "Now, are we going to stand here bickering, or will we get out of this place?"
"I vote second option," America claimed.
"Uh, si, me, too." Spain said, though he seemed a little hesitant and worried. I don't think he's very worried about dropping two stories, though.
"Ret's go," Japan said, and before anyone protested, he kicked against the wall behind him and launched towards the window. The few that was in the way immediately dodged as Japan flew through the window, and soon onto the ground, landing onto one hand and knee with ease.
"I'm next!" Alice called, and then she ran and leaped out of the window, also landing onto the ground without a problem.
"What about Rosalie?" America said, glancing at me. "She can get hurt easier than the rest of us, right?"
"Ve'll catch her," Hungary confirmed, giving me a reassuring smile. I nodded, giving her my own grin as my thanks.
We turned our heads to where we heard that call to see two, wait three security guards running over.
"Bullocks," England muttered, then he shoved America towards the window. "Go go go!"
America then made his leap, then the rest of them followed quickly. 
I bit my lip with hesitation, unsure if I can actually take the step past that window frame, but the footsteps of those guards are dangerously close now.
"Come on!" My arm was then grabbed and I only had a second to glance to see Romano as he pulled me towards the window, and then we jumoed.
Air rushed past me, whipping my hair around as we fell towards the ground. A shriek erupted from my throat as I squeezed my eyes shut, but then, in the next second, it all abruptly stopped.
My eyes opened to find myself in Romano's arms, and he was on one knee, seeming to wince a bit at the impact while carrying my weight.
I looked upwards to where we fell from to see those officers now looking down, calling out to us, but I couldn't register what they were saying.
Then I stood, meeting the gazes of the others for a second before we started running.
"Where are we headed?" England asked as we ran, but as we reached the streets, we didn't dare go any further.
Each of us stumbled to a stop, staring with wide eyes, our expressions aghast and horrified.
A woman was letting out a blood-curtling scream as some sort of creature rammed into her. The ting's bull-like horns stuck through her body and she was lifted into the air, and the scarlet color of blood sprayed. The creature roared, but under that metallic hunk covering their back and most of their head, I can see an actual person. His eyes are a dull blue, but let off a horrible, bloodthirsty glare. He had no care for the woman he is now tearing to shreds and eating as her screams gurgled and died out.
I had no time to recover what I witnessed as I noticed more, different types creatures running through the streets, attacking random citizens with deformed, powerful bodies.
"Oh dear Lord..." I heard England mumble.
"W-W-What's going on!?" Italy shrieked, but then Germany immediately covered his mouth, but not before a head of one of those things snapped towards our direction.
It was a woman who was down on the ground, but she has extra, six, to be exact, pairs of sharp, metallic legs. The only parts of her body that isn't covered with a metal sheild are her arms and her head. The rest of her body was formed in the shape of a giant scorpion. Her long, darkly-coloured tail curled up and above her and ended with a stinger that dripped with oddly coloured venom that seemed to let off steam.
Her glare had darted to our direction, and, without hesitation, she began to dash over to us.
"Holy..." America muttered, but then there was a high-pitched shhhiing as Japan removed his katana from its sheath, now brandishing it tightly in his hands and he skillfully leaped before us as that woman's stinger struck forward at an almost inhuman speed. Right on time, Japan lifted his katana was was able to halt the attack to a complete stop as his weapon deflected the stinger. However, venom sprayed from the stinger and splattered onto Japan's face, causing him to cry out and stumble back.
"Japan!" Italy cried, but then Germany was there, grabbing Japan's arm and yanking him out of the way of another stike from the woman's scorpion-like tail. She hissed, revealing her fangs, and then she crawled closer to us.
I was frozen; it was as if my body was out of my control, and my mind was silent. That was until my own arm was grabbed and I was pulled.
I blinked form my shock and I realized that now we're running again, and I can hear the shuffle of that thing following us.
Japan was stumbling, grabbing at his face that seemed to literally let off steam. One hand covered his mouth, muffling his groans of pain. Because of the fact that his hands are in the way, I can't see what kind of effect that venom has on him.
My heart hammered within my chest, as if it were frantic to free itself from my chest. My breathing sped up, but not because of the running. 
I managed to glance behind us to see that that creature was no longer following us, but we did catch the attention of a few more. A man with a huge device growing from the back of his head was running at an impressive speed after is, hissing and snarling, his eyes glaring as saliva dripped from his curled lips. The thing on his head seemed to be dripping with water. Behind him was another man, but he had wings groing on the front of his chest and tendril-like threads flowed from his scalp. Those metallic wings soon began to flap, and he lifted into the air, and then darted right at us at an impossible speed.
"Guys!" I shouted, and Germany glanced back too to see the flying creature, which is now right above our heads. Germany reached to the back of his pants and pulled out a shotgun, and as he ran, he aimed towards the creature. 
The thing screeched as it swooped down to attack, but Germany shot and the bullet darted and made impact with the man's head. It soon came crashing to the ground.
I panted, out of fear and exhaustion. I can run for a while, but I'm no athlete, so I was losing the energy to run.
But I was immediately filled with more adrenaline as I saw that other guy with the thing on his head catching up.
"Ack!" I heard America shout and suddenly we had stumbled to a stop, and once I looked forward, I realized why.
Towering over us was crustation-like woman. She stood tall on six sharp legs and her body was engulfed in a blue, iron shell outlined with anterolateral spikes. Her arms are raised, but the arms were replaced with wires and metal beams that supported large claws that dripped blood and remnants of its recent victim. Her hair hung down form under the large head and her eyes glared down at us.
My breath was caught in my throat, and despite the situation I'm in, I couldn't help but to feel a bit awed by the power she obviously wielded, as if she were a god.
Then, she snarled and her arm swiped forward, her claw open and ready to snap.
then I heard another growl behind us, from the man that was chasing us. I don't even have to turn and look to know that he was also ready to strike.
"This way!" Alice shouted, darting around the creature right before it could snap at her. Quickly, we followed her, but not before the crab-like woman screamed and turned to make another strike. This time, she was successful, for she caught Hungary's leg and the latter tripped, falling onto the ground a second before she was lifted into the air, screaming.
"Nein!" Prussia shouted, abrubtly stopping and turning around in hopes to save his Hungarian friend, but it was already too late.
The woman's pother claw snapped around Hungary's torso, and as Hungary screamed again, the woman viciously sunk her teeth into Hungary's stomach. Not a second later, she spread her arms apart, pulling each end of Hungary's body with it, and soon her body gave in and tore in half. Her screams immediately died out. The sound was terrifying, and all of the blood and-
"NEIN! HUNGARY!" Prussia shouted, but before he could run Germany grabbed his arm and pulled him away.
"It's too late!" Germany told him, but Prussia continued to struggle. It was a good thing that Germany was stronger than his older brother. Spain and France had to help, though, because Prussia wouldn't stop calling out and fighting against his brother's hold.
I can't breathe. It was as if the world had stopped for a moment. I continued to run with everyone else, but leaving behind one person, one country, who is now being devoured by some creature who was created from a sickly virus. 
Tears threatened to form, but I couldn't allow them to. Not now, first we need to get the hell out of here.
"Over there!" Canada called, pointing ahead towards a small, vacant stone building. "It's safe there!"
In my head, I knew that it wouldn't be safe for long. In a situation like this, nothing is. But what other choice is there right now?
I heard the shrieks and growls of more creatures chasing us, but this time, I didn't look back.
We soon reached the building and then America pulled the thick iron doors open, and we ran in. Just before a hissing woman can leap in, America slammed the doors shut, immediately securing the doors further by locking them.
England and Germany was quick to cover windows and the banging at the iron doors began, echoing through the widthy room.
I slumped against a concrete wall as my lungs desperately worked to gain more oxygen. The others didn't seem as breathless as I am.
Prussia collapsed to the floor, his head buried in his arms as he brought his knees to his chest. Japan sat on a chair, still covering his face.
The rest were silent, whether it be in shock or in fear, I don't know. 
I closed my eyes, but as I did, I saw Hungary's body shredding behind my eyelids. I reopened my eyes, staring at the ground.
Right now, all was silent, with the exceptions of the banging at the door and the frustrated screams of the creatures out there who are frantic to get in and devour the rest of us.
I slid down to the floor, curling up as my trembling hands clenched into fists.
Hungary...Hungary just died. The realization made me feel sick, and I immediately didn't want to think any more of it.
Then I heard a soft sob and I looked up to see Italy wrapping his arms around himself, tears dripping down his cheeks as his bottom lip trembled. His eyes stared widly at the ground, and he was shaking.
"What...just..." Alice whispered, her hand lifting to press it to her forehead, pushing some strands of her hair from her face. Her eyes were also wide and her expression revealed her horror and shock as she seemed to try to process it all.
I looked at every other country in here. England had put his hands together, intwining his fingers, and he seemed to be mumbling. Then he raised his hands and a light green faint light spread out to the walls. If I had to guess, it's some sort of shield around the building. His expression was hard, revealing no emotion, but his eyes held a different story.
America was wiping the sweat from his forehead and exhaled deeply. His face was pale and his sky blue eyes were darkened. 
Germany had kneeled next to Prussia, who was unsually silent. His hands were clenched tightly into fists, clenching at his pale hair. Germany patted his shoulder, knowing Prussia must be taking Hungary's death harder than anyone else here.
Romano brushed his hand through his hair, his piercing hazel eyes locked onto that door, where the banging was gradually ceasing.
Canada was murmuring softly to Alice and I'm too far away to understand what he's saying, but Alice nodded to whatever he said. 
Spain and France were glancing with worry at Prussia, but neither decided to interfere. They probably know as well as the rest of us that Prussia has to fight this pain himself.
I took a deep breath, realizing that I'm not controlling my breathing properly in order to keep myself from having any more problems breathing.
I glanced at Japan, and now his hands are lowered and I gasped, covering my mouth.
His forehead, nose, and right cheek's skin was blistering, peeling, and even bleeding. They were deep red, an odd comparision to the paleness of the rest of his face.
"Oh..." He mumbled, his eyelids drooping.
"J-Japan?" Italy whispered, but then Japan went limp, now falling off of the chair he had sat in.
England and Spain rushed over to him and I heard England mutter a curse as he saw Japan's face.
"I-Is he okay?" Alice asked, looking on with concern.
England gently pressed a hand to Japan's left cheek. "He's unconscious. He has a high fever, and he's extremely sick."
"Is it because of the venom?" I spoke up, my voice soft and slightly shaky.
England nodded, then carefully moved Japan so that he was laying in a comfortable position. One of England's hands formed a soft green glow and he hovered is over Japan's face. Slowly, the skin on his face began to heal.
I set my head on my arm, and I don't know if it was the exhaustion of the day or not, but the darkness of sleep soon took over, and I fell deep into it.

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