Chapter 8: Curiosity Kills the Cat

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The run through the village home was treacherous, avoiding people the most he possibly could whilst trying to navigate took a major toll on his already weak body. His loss of vision made doing tasks that should be simple, strenuous. More energy being poured into just being able to move from place to place was a factor he would have to get used to.

Nonetheless, he'd made it home with few bumps and bruises and an incredibly worn-out body. He ran in, slamming the door behind him. 

His back was pressed against the door, his head soon slamming against it as well. Nearly falling to the floor, Naruto painfully rested there, knowing he should head to the bathroom to clean up again.

The gaping holes in his eyes stung and throbbed horribly; excruciatingly so. The sock was gone after the rocky run back. He had no energy to cry, scream or yell at the moment. All he could do was sit there, silent and motionless.

Iruka was so close to finding out, he knows something was wrong, so why did he try hiding it? That was stupid of him, running in a state like this. 

He knew he could have gotten help, he could have had the pain gone, and yet he ran. Ran because a part of him still held that dream dear to his heart. Whether he knew it was attainable or not, he couldn't find it in himself to let it go.

"I hate this," Naruto mumbled, his voice sounding sad and defeated. He surged the tiny bit of energy left in him to stand and find his way to the bathroom. His hands grazed against the walls guiding him. 

The bathroom was within reach and he went inside to the sink. His head turned to look as if he were peering into the mirror. If he still had vision somehow, he'd have been able to see the ghastly reflection looking back. Even now, he knew he wouldn't want to see it.

His fist clenched and he hurled it at the offending glass. The hand connected and shards pierced his skin, cutting and scratching them. Blood dripped and dropped, adding more crimson stains to the flooring.

The pain was nothing compared to his eyes. Nothing seemed to compare. One could argue that physical pain didn't compare to mental pain, but Naruto found otherwise. His physical pain was the reason for his mental pain right now. 

Naruto dropped to his knees, surely bruising them more than he already had. 

Now, he had energy. Emotions writhed through his veins and he screamed. He screamed, he yelled, he cried. Cried harder than he ever had before, cried more of those godforsaken tears of blood. Cried for the unattainable dream he couldn't let go of. Cried for the vision he had lost and cried for the utterly lonely darkness he felt.

What was his purpose, what was he?

Silly of me to ever think I could become anything. Guess it's just fate bringing me back to the harsh reality.

He sat there on those moldy tiles for what seemed like forever, what else there to do other than wait for Iruka or one of the Third's steed to cart him away? The Third. Oh, how he wished he could be like him and the other Hokage. Oh, how he dreamed. Oh, how stupid of him. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

The energy inside of him dropped again, and his consciousness wavered until he let it fall on his own. 

Sitting there looking like a tortured, mauled, petrifying corpse, Naruto slept. The nightmares once again plaguing his dark world of slumber. 

Iruka stood before the Hokage. The look of urgency upon his face. The Third looked at the academy teacher concerned.

"Iruka, aren't the exams today? Why are you here?" He asked.

Iruka shifted, almost scared of having to tell him what he saw, and what he suspected. "It's Naruto sir." The Hokage didn't seem surprised but opened his mouth to speak.

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