Chapter Two, Part One- Middle Name

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June 18, 2008

    Subject RENA-025 is exhibiting accelerated development. In a recent analysis, it scored an IQ of 130, which is in the 10th percentile of generation-0 and the 1st percentile of normal pokemon of a similar age. It also seems to be quite strong, although its strength has yet to be calculated. The results of today's appointment will determine whether it is a go for stage 2.

     -ASIS Experimental Development Centre


     Sakura's daughter stared at her half of a plate dejectedly; half of a plate because the daycare she attended on weekdays was trying to be eco-friendly, which meant minimizing waste. Her stomach churned from what smelled like used paper towels that had been boiled into a paste. It was Wednesday, which meant that lunch consisted of Italian greens and beans. It may have sounded not too shabby on paper, but in reality, there was no questioning that it was revolting. Apparently "Italian" meant boiled to the point of liquefaction.

     "Eugh, I think I'll just eat when I get home." said the pikachu sitting across from her.

     "Yeah, me too." the young eevee replied. "Hey Rai, watch this."

     She scoops some of the green sludge onto her fork and presses down on the tips of the tines while pushing up with the handle. She aims for the rubbish bin by the door to the one-room daycare and quickly lets the tines go, catapulting the greens and beans. Right at that moment, the door is opened by a wealthy-looking absol. Time slowed down as the eevee and pikachu watched the toxic glob hit the absol right between his legs with a little plop noise.

     "What the- Eugh, what is this? Snot?" The disgruntled newcomer said in disgust, frantically wiping the spot with his handkerchief.

     Rai and the absol's assailant barely kept straight faces as the dad walked briskly past and into the restroom.

     "Vee, that was a good shot!"

     "What was a good shot?" The eevee beside Rai asked.

     "You didn't see, Hana? Your sis from another miss here just hit a guy in the nuts with greens    and beans."

     "Oh. Well, that's not very nice."

     Hana's reaction resulted in two "are you serious?" looks.

     "What? Imagine if someone hit you in the nuts. If you had any, that is."

     Her last remark brought a fit of laughter from her fellow eevee.

     "Okay kids, lunchtime is over. Make sure you throw away your plates and wash your hands please."

     A line of young pokemon formed behind the rubish bin, most getting rid of barely eaten sludge as well as their plates and forks.


      An hour later, all the children of the daycare were let outside to play. The two eevees and pikachu were joined by a zorua at the play structure's highest point. They started a game of truth or dare. Since they were under adult supervision, they all stuck with truth.

     "Hana, it's your turn."

     "I know Rai, I'm thinking! Hmm... Ket, truth or dare?"

     "Truth." The zorua answered.

     "What is your most embarrassing phobia?"

     "What's a phobia?" asked Rai.

     "A phobia is an irrational fear, duh." Sakura's daughter rolled her eyes at him, then looked at Ket. "Ignore this fool. Tell us, what is your phobia?"

     "Erm... Don't judge me, okay? I'm afraid of the dark."

     "Wait you're a dark type, and you're afraid of the dark?" Hana said in disbelief.

     "That's right."

     "Why are you afraid of your element? Shouldn't you be at home in darkness?" Rai had a feces-eating grin on his face as he condescendingly inquired about his friend.

     "I-I'd rather not say." Ket stared at the floor of the tower they were in, trying not to remember the events leading to his fear. A long, awkward moment of silence was had between the four friends. After about a minute, Hana broke the silence.

     "Aaaaanyway, I do believe it is Rai's turn now."

     "Oh, okay. Umm, Vee-sis, truth or dare?"


     "What's your middle name?"

     "Rena, spelled R-E-N-A. It means 'joyous rebirth', or something like that, but it's pronounced like the Russian name spelled with 'ai', which means 'queen'."

     A call was heard from below. "My child, are you up there?" The voice was that of Sakura.

     "Coming Mama." her daughter replied, waving goodbye to her friends before climbing down.

     "I'm picking you up early today because you're scheduled for a doctor's visit."

     The eevee groaned internally. It seemed to her that she had to go that god-forsaken place way too often.

     Ermehgersh that was hard to write. If you couldn't tell, I've been purposefully avoiding the use of her first name. There is a reason. Either way, this took way too long (over a month!) to put out and it's not even the full chapter. I decided to split it for two reasons: It's gonna be longer than the rest by a bit, and It's 3:30 am and monster energy only goes so far.

     Some of you may recognize her friends. They are based on characters from one of my all-time favorite fan fictions: Never Forget. Thank's to the author EeveeLover22 for letting me borrow these amazing characters. Depending on how they like it, you may see more of Rai, Ket, and Hana down the road.

     If you're bored because COVID-19 has shut down your area, or for any other reason, ask the characters of this book something. If I get enough questions I will create a Q&A book.

     Anyway, have a good morning!

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