Chapter Two, Part Two- Doctor's Visit

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 After an hour-long drive, Sakura and her daughter arrived at the ASIS Experimental Development Centre. As they walked toward the entrance, the small eevee decided to ask a question.

"Hey, Mummy?"

"Yes, my flower?"

"Why is my doctor 'Experimental'?"

Sakura took a moment to think about it.

"Well, this particular doctor's office is also part laboratory. They study diseases and genetic abnormalities in order to find cures and ways to help people affected."

Seemingly satisfied, the four-and-a-half-year-old lead the way through the sliding glass doors of the facility. Waiting in the lobby was a familiar umbreon by the name of Julley.


The nurse found his vision blocked by a flying fur-ball.

"Hey there little miss Mansur. How ya goin?" He peeled her off his face and set her back on the floor.

"Umm, I'm alright. Probably better than you, since I don't have to work yet."

"Heh, I like my job! I get to help people every day."

"What if you can't help them?"

There was a long pause as Julley processed what she had asked. It actually kept him up at night, the many patients he couldn't cure or, at least, ease the pain of.

"Well, we try our very best, until the very end, to try and learn as much as we can from each pokemon we treat so we can prevent others from suffering the same fate."

Accepting his answer, the eevee moved on from the subject and led the way to the examination room. She had been there so many times that she knew the drill. Once there, Julley checked her vitals and measurements. 109cm tall, 17 kilos, 80 bpm, 80 over 110, good reflexes in the knees. After everything had been put into the computer system, Julley left Sakura and her daughter alone with the knowledge that the doctor would be free to see them in about five minutes.

"Hey, mummy?"

"Yes, honey?"

"What about me is abnormal?"

"Erm, what do you mean abnormal?"

"You said this place studies diseases and abnormalities, and I'm not sick, so it must be an abnormality."

Sakura couldn't help smiling. Her daughter was extremely intelligent for her age, an achievement that made her very proud. Another feeling came over the leafeon though, arriving in a pang of sorrow. She mourned the premature death of her eevee's innocence.

"Darling, you're... you're too young. Perhaps I'll tell you when you're older."

"Aww. How old?"


The eevee let out a groan as the door opened and Dr. Dennaoui entered.

"Looks like there's not much to do this visit. I just have to give you a shot, collect some blood and you're set," the luxray said with a forcedly cheery tone.

"Awesome!" Sakura said with a smile on her lips and concern in her eyes. She made a mental note to check on him before leaving.

"What kind of shot is it?" the young patient asked, hopping up onto the bed and rolling up her sleeve.

"One to help you grow strong," answered the doctor. He pulled the fur apart on her arm to expose skin, cleaned it with an alcohol wipe, then unpackaged a small syringe and drew a greenish liquid from a small medicine vial. "This will only be a small prick." He inserted the needle into her arm and gently squeezed the plunger, administering the full dose.

"That tickles!" The eevee laughed.

"Alright, and now for the blood." The luxray disposed of the used syringe and grabbed a blood drawing kit. He found a vein in her forearm, cleaned the skin, then pushed in the needle. The pressure from her heart pumping filled the vial in a few seconds, and the doctor withdrew the needle and applied a bandaid to the puncture.

"Am I done now?"

"Yes, sweetie." Sakura answered as Dennaoui left without a word. She would have to call him later. "Let's get you home."

With that the two walked out of the Experimental Development Centre, bidding Julley farewell on the way out.

Remember me? I know, I know, it's been way too long and I've had this part half written for a few months. Updates should (crossing my fingers) be more consistent from now on.  

Any guesses on what our main character's name might be?

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