《 Chapter One 》

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I woke up with a searing headache, and eminence back pain. Where am I? I wondered. The room was dark and I couldn't see much. But I was in some sort of small room. The bed I had been lying on was cold and hard, and the floor beneath me was as well, along with it layers of dirt and grime. What had happened? How long had I been unconscious? I stood up, my legs straining to cooperate, and made my way to the other side of the room. I was met with a large metal door, bolted shut from the outside. It wouldn't budge an inch.

This was a cell, and I was trapped here. But whose prisoner was I? Anakin's? Palpatine's? The Jedi's? I didn't know. Was I to die here slowly, and painfully, from starvation and dehydration? Was Anakin so consumed by the Darkside, that he had lost his humanity? The last thing I remembered was him sucking the life out of me, before letting me fall to the hard floor. After today, or however much time had passed I had no way of telling, I could fathom the idea.
I made my way back to the bed, which could barely even pass as a bed, and would more correctly be referred to as a metal bench. And collapsed onto it, the tears beginning to trickle down my cheeks. As I reminisced over the happy moments that seemed a lifetime past, and the uncertain future for me and my child. The life I had planned for us, seeming far from my grasp.

It must have been at least four or five hours I had spent in my own thoughts. Crying, talking to the baby, staring at the wall, and dozing in and out of restless sleep. I had been zoned out, staring at the ground, my mind completely blank, when I heard a loud click from the other side of the room. I looked up as the large vault-like door creaked open, and a hooded figure walked in. Shivers ran down my spine.

I strained my eyes to look at the stranger, but their hood was almost entirely covering their face, and I didn't want to get any closer to them. There was an uncomfortable silence for a minute, before the stranger took off his hood. Revealing that he was not infact a stranger after all. Neither of us moved or spoke for quite a while. Keeping in wavering eye contact with the other person.
"Where am I?" I asked, after a while, the silence un bearable.

"You're safe,"

"Safe? Safe from who? I'm a prisoner!"

"You brought Obi-Wan here to kill me, you should be greatful you are still alive."

"Greatful? Anakin what has happened to you! I came here to bring you home, to be a family." My eyes started to fill again as the emotions returned. He didn't respond for a moment.

"So Obi-Wan followed you, he didn't trust you, and he never trusted me!" His eyes glowed with fury, my heart sped up, "He deserved his fate." I froze when the words left his tounge.

"No... Anakin you didn't..." I sobbed, he didn't deny it.

"I did what needed to be done." He replied, seeing that he had no remorse after murdering his closest friend and mentor, showed me once again that the Anakin I knew was gone. "You will understand in time Padme. In time you will see through the lies of the Jedi, and then you will understand that everything I have done needed to be done." With that he left, bolting the door behind him. I collapsed back onto the bed, and cried for what felt like an hour, before the door once again creaked open.

I sat up, and wiped my tears wondering what else he could want, but it wasn't Anakin this time, it was a clone trooper. At first I thought myself saved, but then remembered that the Clones too had betrayed the Jedi, and the republic, and my face fell.

"Lord Vader has ordered that you come with me."

"I don't take orders from Lord Vader."

"But I do." He grabbed my arm roughly, and I was about to fight back when I saw that their were ten more troopers outside the door all fully armed. And I had nothing bit my bare hands and strong will. So I complied, though begrudgingly, and he led me out of the cell. Where he and the ten other troopers escorted me out of the prison section of wherever we where and into a slightly brighter, less cold, corridor. Were they taking me to Anakin- to Vader? I corrected myself. But I didn't ask, as I knew that we would soon reach our destination, and I would get my answer then.
The answer was infact no, they where not takeing me to Vader, but instead took me to a large bedroom, with a king sized bed, a full bathroom, and that was fully furnished and looked much more appealing than the cell that I had been previously locked in. It was bright, with many lights unlike the cell, but still ended up being dark, as the only colors seen in the room were black, gray, and dark brown. The similarity I found between the two was that I was again locked in, and that I had the same earry feeling in both places.

After I had shed many more tears over the matter, I finally decided to get some sleep. Makeing my over to the bed, I pulled off the comforter and slipped inside. It felt like sleeping on a cloud in comparison to the bench in my cell, and I fell asleep quickly. Though not a peaceful sleep as I was haunted unceasingly with nightmares.

The Chancellor arrived on Mustafar soon after I had left Padme's cell, and requested my presence.

"Master," I said, walking into the room where he sat accompanied by two clone troopers.

"Lord Vader," He signalled to the guards, "Leave us." They both left on his command, leaving us alone.

"You called for me?"

"Yes, my young apprentice." He replied, "Your attack on the Jedi was quite successful, and the Clones have been able to track down and kill nearly every other Jedi, very few have slipped our grasp, and those who have will not be able to hide for long. You have done well my young apprentice."

"Thank you Master," I replied, he paused.

"There is something troubling you. Isn't there." I didn't need to respond, "Hmm, yes, there is, what is troubling you?"

"Master, when will you teach me the power to keep people from dieing. Padme... I can't loose her Master."

"All in good time my aprentice, but you are not yet ready."

"Not ready? I have done eveything you asked! I left the Jedi, I destroyed their legacy, I killed Kenobi! I am ready!"

"Not yet, you are still holding on to Skywalker. You must fully embrace the darkside before your training will be complete."

I left the room fuming with anger, I was not holding on, I was ready! I was more powerful than any Jedi. The Chancellor knew this, he knew that I was more powerful than him too, that's why he was keeping it from me! I was ready, and he knew it! I was so enraged, how dare he, I wanted to turn around, return to the room, and kill him. But I needed him, for now. He alone could save Padme. But after that, I would kill him.

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