Chapter 3

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"On your mark! get set! BATTLE!"

SMASH! CRASH! MASH! BLAM! SWISH! BAM!!!!!!!! They fought hard until there was a winner.

"Battle over! And Rockrough wins!" Marshadow said with a just loud enough voice so that they could hear.

"Yey! I won! Now I'm against Marshadow!" Rockrough explained, as he got off of Litten and bounded towards Marshadow.

"Ok Litten we're ready when you are!" Marshadow stated.

"Ok." Litten replied tiredly. Then she started the battle.

"Ready, set, battle."

WHOOSH! BLAM! SWISH! CRASH!!!! And soon enough the winner was chosen with a quick shadow ball.

"And the winner is Marshadow!" Litten said lazily from the lack of sleep, but still happy to get this over with.

"Yay!" Marshadow exclaimed. "Better luck next time Rockrough, but you did a good job out there! You're definitely improving!" Marshadow pointed out.

"Thanks Marshadow! You did an excellent job yourself!" Rockrough replied slightly aggravated but also happy that he was improving. Rockroughs goal was to one day be able to beat Marshadow in a ba

"Ok. Wrap it up you two it's morning time and I have to go to the market to pick up some berries from the nice lady who gives them out to the pokemon."

Litten was slightly annoyed that she would have to go get food and that her nap would have to be held till she got back. "Oh and Marshadow you have to stop being such a scaredy cat and get outside in the morning instead of the night so we can get some shut eye. Just so you know." Litten mumbled the last part.

"Ugh, fine, I'll try. But I'll need your help."

"Ok. Then I'll see you at dawn Marshadow!" Litten said as she took her leave towards the market area.

"Ok Litten. see you at dawn!"..............

The Great Pokemon Adventure - Book one: Fear of DayWhere stories live. Discover now