#12 Be nice

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9:46 AM
Last night after our "Movie night" we fell asleep quickly, I just woke up but Billie is still sleeping. I'm not going to wake her up because she has to rest before her concert.
I went to bathroom and after I took my shower I went downstairs to the kitchen. Grandma was already cooking.
-Buenas días, abuela.-I said kissing her cheek.
-Oh, good morning, mija. Where's Billie?
-She's sleeping.
-Okay, breakfast is ready honey. I ordered my medicine so I have to get them from pharmacy. I have to leave now, eat your breakfast.
-Okay, abuela. See you later.
-Bye.-She said leaving the house.
Grandma's medicine is nowhere to be found in our city so she's ordering them from New York but they're bringing it to the pharmacy which is so far from our house.
I put our breakfast on a plate and brought it to my room, I sat near sleeping Billie and started waking her up.
-Billie, wake up.-I said pushing her lightly.-Wake up, I brought you breakfast.
-Breakfast?-She immediately sat on bed.-Aw, baby you're so cute. I have a breakfast in bed, thank you.-She said hugging me.
-You're welcome, let's eat.
After we ate our breakfast we decided to chill in my room til 3 o'clock.

2:36 PM

-Baby, put more beans!-Billie shouted from living room.
I'm making burritos for her since she really liked them, I'm making 8 burritos so she won't be hungry or if someone would like some too.
I finished the last burrito and put it in container.
-They're here! Come on.-Billie said.
We left the house and got into the car, Mr O'Connel is driving and Mrs O'Connel is sitting next to him on the passenger seat.
-Hello.-I said as I sat near Billie.
-Hello darling, how are you doing?
-I'm fine thanks Mrs O'Connel.
-Oh honey, just call me Maggie. Are you ready to go to school?-Maggie asked.
-To be honest, not really. I'm nervous.
-Don't be, it's going to be great.
-I hope so.
After our dialogue it was silent in car.
20 minutes later we arrived to the sound check. We put all our stuff in green room and Billie went to the stage. I texted the girl who wanted the tickets and she said that she's already near the entrance. I took the ticket and walked to main doors, there was already a big crowd but I recognized the girl, she was standing near the security. I walked to her while waving.

- Hi! You must be Gabi?
- Hey, yes it's me. I'm so happy to meet you.
- I smiled awkwardly and gave her the tickets. - Here, that's yours.
- Thank you so much, you have made my dream come true.- She said with teary eyes. She took out bills and looked at me.
- You're welcome and I'm not selling the ticket, it's yours. I don't need money.
- No no, please take it.
- There's more than the original price.
- I know, please take them. That's not a big deal for me, take the money.
-If you're insisting- I said confused and took the money.
-Thank you so much again Rosie.
-No, thank you.- I said and went inside.

3 Hours Later.

Concert is starting in a few minutes and Billie is changing her clothes because she was sweaty from sound check.
-Billie, it's time to go.-Said Finneas.
-I'm coming.-She answered and looked at me.
-Good luck baby, you're going to kill it.
-Thanks mamas.-She said winking.
We left the green room and Billie ran on the stage,everyone started screaming like crazy and Bad Guy started.

A few hours later.

The show ended about 20 minutes ago, Billie is in her green room, she wanted to be alone for a while so I'm helping Maggie to pack their stuff.
Suddenly the door opened and Billie entered the room. She was in different clothes and her hair was wet a little from shower.
-Oh, hey honey. We are leaving in 15 minutes.-Maggie said leaving the room.
-Okay mom.-she said and sat on the sofa.
I put the last things in bag and looked at Billie.
-Are you hungry?
-Dude, I'm starving.
I took the last burrito from container and gave it to Billie, I saved the last one for myself but I don't want Billie to starve so I gave her it.
-I thought it was yours.
-No, I ate mine.-I lied.
-Stop lying baby.
-I'm not.
-Just come here.-She pointed at couch.
I sat near her and she put her head on my chest opening the burrito.
-We're going to share it.-She said.
After we ate the burrito we talked a little about the show and then Finneas came in.
-Let's go, the car is here.
We left the building and on our way to car Billie walked to her fans dragging me with her.
-Hello guys!-She said as everyone started screaming.-This's my friend Rosie, please be nice.-She said and everyone looked at me.
-Um, hey.-I said smiling.
Then Billie talked to them for little and we left.
Everyone was silent in car, I guess everyone was tired especially Billie and Finneas, they did their best on the stage.
We got out of the car and entered the hotel, Billie was sleepy and she barely could walk. As we entered the room Billie jumped on the bed and started getting comfortable. I took a shower and when I walked into the bedroom I saw her sleeping with shoes on. I took her shoes and pants off but I couldn't take off her shirt because she could wake up. I got under the blankett and started scrolling through Instagram, I saw a lot of photos of me from concert.

"Even if Billie told us that she is her friend doesn't mean that they're not dating, someone is taking Billie from us"

"Oh,come on guys. I think she's sweet and + Billie told us to be nice"

"I've heard she wanted to give a girl a ticket for free, she's very kind"

What the fuck?

I'm not going to deal with hate.
I put my phone under my pillow and looked at sleeping Billie.
Jeez, I'm so lucky to have a friend like her. I'm so grateful for her, didn't think that I would have someone like her in my life.
I looked at the ceiling and started thinking about school, what if I won't find any friends? Or I won't be good at studying? I'm so stupid when it comes to science, well, I'm always stupid but whatever. But let's look at the bright side, as I know there's gym at school, maybe I'll lose some weight and won't be a cow anymore. I have to prepare everything tomorrow in the morning so I can spend the rest of the day with Billie.


1162 words

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