Chapter 2: Kindergarden (the game)

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Once upon a kindergarten...

Biggs was pulling nugget and everything was normal because it just was. Though something was in fact off- Jerome was not acting at cool as he normally acted.

He had realized his feelings for Monty and though that was very uncool of himself. Feelings weren't dope and all that.

Monty was selling some drugs by the gate to Cindy who was claiming to have enough of the boy she ad been with, main characters, shit. Oh Cindy. When she skipped off Jerome gulped and stepped closer to Money, "Hey, my dude man"

"Hey Jerome, got that key I asked you for? To the principal's office," Monty obviously wasn't in the mood for chit-chat and says it bout. This made Jerome big sad but she knew it was normal for Monty to do this.

It wAs it Jerome was creating aon Monty . Jmontey was so sad and want Ed to cry because he thought they could be a Cingular thing like maybe night and lily could have been if nugget ever gets more handsome and lily finally gets over that stupid brother of hers it just gets uniting after an wile. He felt like he wanted to cry but he just couldn't beacause he would look like a baby.

Then it was off to class.

Jerome couldn't focus on the class because he was staring at Monty and trying not to cry. It was hard for him because Monty was just so cute and ginger and perfect although he was very pasty but that didn't bother Jerome.

When it was time to pick buddies Jerome slowly gathered all his courage and went to Monty, trying to concentrate before speaking quietly, "Want to be my buddy..?"

"I don't do that buddy thing, you know that?@

Jerome wanted to cry more tons though he nodded, almost going back to his seat until Monty grabbed his hand, Jerome looked back in shock. "Alright, I'll be your buddy. Only because Mrs. Applegate is big boy angry today and will make me go with Nugget if I don't choose someone else."

Jerome smiles at the offer and nodded, looking back at Nugget who was drooling and staring off into space.

Montez was so happy that he sold something to his true love .he wants to confess some but he just does not know wen . Should he do it at reseda or should he do it at lunch . Bee wants to do it a t show and tell in ground of every one but is just to scarf . AHOULD HE DO IT TOMSTROW. WHAT IF HE IS NOT EVEN GAY WHAT IF HE IS NOT READY FOR AN RELASHION SHIP WHAT IF HE IS NOT REASY.WHAT IF THIS IS A BIG MISTAKE.

Oh shite it is lunch time my homies.

Biggs was throwing food at Nugget and everything was normal. Of course except the thing that was not normal and everyone knew Jerome was not as cool as he usually was. He took a seat next to Monty, who was glaring over at the janitor, "He spelt biscuit wrong"

Jerome looked over to the stalk threat the janitor had built and flared at the letters written in it. Jerome could not read, though he nodded in agreement, "Yeah, haha, stupid!"

"EXCUSE ME?" The janitor yelled over and the two kids jumped but it was actually all the kids that jumped in the cafeteria because the janitor is scary.

"Nothing mister janitor sir," Said Herome nervously, not wanting to die an early death by being impaled with a mop but also not wanting Monty to get hurt. Jerome new the janitor was not the biggest face of Monty and he would hurt him any chance he got.

So he did not want to do it a t lunch time because the janator Spaulding make fun of them because that are so hay gay. The end of lunch came and at that point he just wanted th janitior to kill him right then and there because he was to scrap to confess his love for Jerome . Monroe was just so scarf to confess . He wondered if he was going to get made fun of.

Oh man oh boy it was recess time.

Jerome watched nugget fall into his bout and just shook his head. It was time, he was going to go through with it. He walked over to Onty who was not paying at yarn toon to the other kids, "Hey, Monty..? I ah w something to tell you..""

"What? I'm making a big sale." He had not realized Monty was counting dollars. Ignoring this, he grabbed montys hand.

Monty and Herome looked at each other, though Jerome wanted to through himself into the nugget cave himself now. He pulled his hand away, "I just- I want you to know I like you."

"I like you too. Is that all you were gonna tell me?"

"Not like the way you're thinking!" Herome didn't know what he was saying. "I like you and I'm a like like way! Not a friend way, but if I say that no one will see eye as cool anymore and I'll loose my reputation all because of this stupid feelings-"

"I never want to love someone Weber ever again" he thought to him self " if it is going to rue every my rep I never had wanted love to exsist. @"he dead to himself.
Montez walks in. "Hey Jerome" .

"Oh hey Monty but we are going to go do show and tell."

"Since that knew kid isn't here anymore or whatever I guess one of you will have to go first" mist jigglytits said as everyone settled first.

Before anyone could Jerome three hip a hand and the teacher chose him, "I wat to show a picture of me and Monty."

"Whaaaat" said the entire class.

"Yes!" Monty pulled out a polo round camera and took a boi Tyde, showing it after. "We are together."

"Yep, and I'm not embarrassing by it! We are very nice to each other as we always have been."

"Aw" the entire glass accepted them because they didn't understand anyways. It was cute to them but I just made Nugget be more confidence in himself that he could still get the pretty Lily. Poor, poor Nugget.

Poor nugget got defected AGIAN. He gets reverted at least every day at fesses or at lunch even sometimes in class because he always wants to be her partner  but always gets revenge ted . This time he asked lily to be his but she reheated him. He was so stupid . He got embaressted in front off every one.

The end or whatever

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2021 ⏰

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