Chapter one: The day they met

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When the two first met, she was in Highschool. Even though she played on the Junior Varsity softball team sophomore year, she really aspired to be on varsity. They actually became friends because he played baseball. It was really cliche honestly, Summer had just gotten done with her last inning, and was going to the concessions. On the way there the same baseball team from her school was playing around the same area. And they were good. I mean spectacular. That same night the team hit two home runs and got three outs before the opposing team could even score.
The boys had to hurry up and get off the field so the next two teams could play. It was tournament day, one of the hardest days ever. She knew they would have to play another game later that night since they won.
She went to the stand, not wanting to wait in line after the smelly guys.
Looking at the signs for what food they had, she was most certainly was craving some good old' cheese fries. The golden crinkles under the warm orange goo made her stomach flip. She was starving, but just her luck she was a dollar short. She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned her head slightly, this boy's face was sunburnt and his brown hair was matted and sweaty.
He thrust the wrinkled dollar in her direction, making a humming noise.
"I saw you eyeing those." Joshua nodded his head to the stack of French fries and cheese to his right.
She was definitely not going to pass up this opportunity. "Thank you." She smiled brightly as it was her turn, Joshua gracefully walked away with a "You're Welcome."
She gazed at the boy as he walked away with a couple of teammates.
She read the back of his Jersey "Bassett ." she whispered to herself
"Maam, what would you like?" She was snapped out of her trance and began to order. She speed-walked, trying to catch up to him.
"Bassett !" She yelled through the loud commotion as the next game began.
Thinking his coach called out to him he turned really fast, almost too fast and tripped over his own two feet. She looked away trying not to laugh at the poor guy.
His eyes were warm like fudgy brownies fresh from the oven. Soft and melty, crinkling at the edges at every move he made. Just for a split second a line across his face, dimples popped onto his cheeks. His walk had a slight bounce, knees slightly bent due to his tallness.
Please don't.
Her mind whimpered. She hoped that he wouldnt make a big impact in her life but-
You'd expect his hands to be warm, and his voice to be dripping like honey. But it was the complete opposite. -she knew it was over for her. His raspy voice enthralled her mind. "Hello."
"I'm sorry. I just wanted to ask if you wanted to share?" He laughed as he saw her trying not to bust out laughing. He was still on the ground in a sitting position. So she got down with him, she gave him a napkin and held her hand out.
"I'm Summer." Her caramel skin made contact with his.

 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐀𝐈𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐎. ||a joshua bassett story||Where stories live. Discover now