1. Angel Error

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(The photo at the top is my drawing)



Error groaned as he opened his eyes.

Light blinded his vision and a bright blue sky appeared in his view.

In surprise, he quickly sat up.

Error took in his surroundings.

He was in a forest filled with greenery.

Where is this place?

His back felt heavier than normal.

A soft thing brushed his arm.

He flinched back from the contact and turned around, prepared for any attack.

But, nobody was there.

He felt it again.

This time, he turned his head to the fluffy unknown.

It was a gigantic, pure white wings attached to his back.

Each of them is bigger than his whole body.

At the top corner of his eyes, something was glowing yellow.

He glanced at it and shifted his hand to his head.

It was shaped like a smooth ring and it floated on top of his head.

He then, moved his hands to the feathered wings.

Error never had touch this kind of sensation in his life.

He turned his head away from the distraction and focused on how he got into this situation.

Memories came flooding in, causing a headache.

He gripped his head.

Error tried to suicide to get away from the hellish place called the "multiverse".

It did work, judging from his new form.

But, what was he thinking!?

He left his family and friends behind to also die!?

Even though he regrets it, nothing can be changed, it's already in the past.

He put his hand down, feeling the warm liquid flowing down his skull.

The pain felt dull.

He killed millions of innocent people and he's an angel, instead of a demon.

He doesn't deserve to be a angel!

Error gripped the yellow ring, trying to tear it off of him.

It didn't budge a inch, the ring just stayed there.

His hand slipped off the attachment, giving up from removing it.

When he tried to see, error signs blocked his view.

He clutched his chest.

Error inhaled and exhaled, repeating the process until, the error's are gone.

He looked at the blood in his hands and sighed.

Blood was smeared into the crimson shirt but, it was barely noticeable as it blended in with the color and it only was a little.

He took out a roll of bandages out of his inventory and began wrapping it around his head neatly, having to done this many times.

Error put away the remainings and stood up from his spot.

I Don't Belong To Heaven... (Fgod Error)Where stories live. Discover now