3. Discovery

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Clover welcomed me into the house and showed me around.

The inside appearance was unexpectedly clean compared to outside and the layout of the house is similar to other AUs, excluding the kitchen being big enough to fit a dinning table.

Well... the entire house is bigger.

Also, there's a third door upstairs that leads to a bathroom between the Papyrus and Sans' room and the doors are plain.

I haven't yet seen the rooms so I don't know how they look like.

In the living room, the same couch and TV that looked similar Undertale's, was place in the identical area.

The notes and tables are gone, instead there's a chocolate colored coffee table in front of the green couch, and right now, I'm sitting that couch.

Clover told me to wait here, while he prepare the strawberries, he picked from his backyard.

I didn't have anything to do so, I leaned back and let myself be lost in my thoughts.


Clover didn't have any negative reactions to my name and wasn't surprised about it.

I'm suspecting that he doesn't know about me but, why don't I recognize him?

I destroyed countless of copies.

There's a chance that his AU was created and destroyed before I was formed and the AU didn't have any copies or his fate was to die before the story in the AU actually began.

I don't target originals but, only copies because if I destroy originals, the copies with follow and they will die in a slow painful death in the Void.

Their codes being ripped apart and put back together, over and over again.

Now that I already experienced it, I know that feeling.

It's like your Soul itself is being torn apart and the Soul is your entire existence.

Your personality, feelings, and life.

To simply summarize it, your whole body is in a extreme pain, both inside and outside.

Imagine you have to endure all the physical pain you had in your entire life.

Yeah, that's how it feels.

Though, some of you guys might not understand.

Changing the topic.

It doesn't seem like there's any traps like I suspected but, I can't lower my guard down.

Clover's voice brought me back to reality.

"Sorry for the waiting," Clover appeared out of the kitchen, holding a bowl of strawberries.

He placed it in front of me, on the table and sat at the corner of the couch, while I'm sitting in the middle.

I stared at the bright red fruits, the stems have been pulled out and droplets of water was left from washing it.

A flashback occurred.

I have been feed a powerful poison once by the 'good side' but, they realized that it didn't effect me, so they threw that idea out of the window and it didn't come back.

Skeletons don't have any organs or circular systems so, poison doesn't do much damage to them.

But, the problem is that food is supposed to turn into magic power after it enters its mouth and the poison will be mistaken as food.

Monster's body is made out of magic, so the poison will spread throughout the body and soul, as a result.

For how it doesn't affect me is that the magic power first, goes to the Soul, then flows through out the body but, my Soul is protected by my magic that denys anything dangerous and poison is part of it.

Heh, I sound like a nerd.

I hesitantly reached out for one of the strawberry.

The moment I bite down on it, the watery and juicy, sweet taste hit my tonges.

I saw and heard these fruits but, I never ate one of them.

The strawberries are going to my favorite category in third.

And of course, underfell's dark chocolate is in 1st and blue's tacos is in 2nd.

I started shoving them all into my mouth like a blackhole. (Wait... I found Kirby!)

Clover chuckled as I ate in joy. ('in joy' sounds like enjoy. And yep! It's a pun!)

But, from the corner of my eye, Clover's gaze changed into a concerned, sad look.

"Hey, uh can I ask why your in 'Borderline Forest'(I couldn't come up with a good name) cause people rarely visit this place," Clover scratched the back of his neck and stared at his green tennis shoes.

I froze as I faced the other way.

'I could ask you the same' but, I didn't say it out loud.

"I was here when I realized, after I 'died'," there was a strain on the word 'died'.

"That's strange," Clover mumbled and frowned at the ground.

I raised a brow but, allowed him continue.

"I never heard that happened to anyone. You were supposed to arrive at the palace and greeted by other citizens, along with explanation," Clover put his hand over his mouth.

Clover stared directly at his eyes.

"Some kind of 'error' might of happened," Clover quietly chuckled to himself.

"Pfft-hahaha, good one," Error complimented with a amused smile.

"Thanks," he smiled back, happy that he was able to make Error laugh.

"Anyway, it's getting late," Clover glanced at the constantly ticking clock.

"You could stay for the night if you want to," he shyly offered. 

Error nodded.

"Its not like I have a place go," he admitted.

To be honest he liked his accompany-

Clover suddenly stood up.

"If that's the case, you could live with me!" Clover exclaimed with a bright smile.

Error jumped at the unwarned movements and sound, alerting his instincts for any attacks coming at him.

Clover noticed this and slowly sat back down, not wanting Error to panic even further.

Error looked for threatening moves and calmed down when there was none.

"Sorry, I always wanted a roommate," Clover sheepishly smiled and rubbed his arm.

"Its fine," Error mumbled.

Clover sighed in relief.

"So, is it a yes or a no?" referring if Error's gonna live with him or not. (Is 'or' a choice?)

Clover's eyes sparkling in excitement.

Error thought for a bit.

He could live in the woods without bothering to buy a house and having no problems what so ever.

He doesn't want to trouble Clover but, those eyes are hard to resist.

A pang of sadness and guilt hit him.

It reminded him of Blue.

He eternally shook the image off.

Anyway, he doesn't want to disappoint him.

Error nodded.


I Don't Belong To Heaven... (Fgod Error)Where stories live. Discover now