The call

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Whilst relaxing, a loud ringing echoes the halls of the castle. All of them ran to the control room, of which Pidge had fallen asleep in a chair in said room. She rolled over and Alura answered the blaring communicator.

"Where is my youngest daughter?" A raspy voice boomed through the device.

"Zarcon. What on Altea are you talking about?" Coran said confused : lying. The other side of the call was filled with anger and a twinge of despair. A younger yet just as loud voice joined the conversation.

"You took my sister, where is she you filthy breed?" Lotor yelled out at the top of his voice, dripping with venomous anger. This made Pidge gasp and open her eyes. Keith shielded her view as he bent down to look in her eyes. He smiled reassuringly and she hugged him.

When he stood he offered her his hand, she quickly took it and smiled softly. He pulled her up and grabbed her waist as the family argued with Alura and Coran.

Keith softly hummed as he danced with Pidge to make sure she didn't see the screen. They could be seen of course other wise that would've defeated the purpose.

"Alura, if you do not have my daughter then who does?" Zarcon yelled, full rage making Pidge look at the screen wide eyed. She didn't look frightened but she knew, her father in this state was no man to be reckoned with.

She continued swaying with Keith next to a window of galactic colours. Alura finished her argument with Zarcon and ended the call frustrated. She looked at Pidge and Keith and a small smile replaced her once tense face.

Keith led Pidge out of the room to go get something to eat, provided by your favourite cinnamon roll, Hunk. He was making peanut butter cookies, having read that they were the young princesses favourite.

As the two entered the dining room connected to the kitchen they were faced with Hunk in a pink apron with the phrase, "Baking up a storm" on it. He smiled from the bottom of his heart and looked at the two. His smile was contagious and was soon on Pidges and Keith's.

Hunk then revealed the tray of peanut butter cookies. Making the young girl gasp in shock and awe. She looked at him with pleading eyes and he chuckled and pushed the tray towards her now glowing eyes. She grabbed a cookie and somehow gracefully shoved it into her mouth. Savouring it whilst also devouring it. Hunk and Keith both laughed and she tilted her head slightly making Keith's cheeks turn redder than his lion.

Please comment ideas, I'm running out.

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