Chapter 1: Wayward Storm

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Our way of life was always hinging on the strokes of humanity and their foolish endeavors into political gain and military power. Humans being highly territorial, fought over articles and spaces of land for eccentric reasons unknown to others as to why...

Operation Wayward Storm.....................


Feed Detected: April 13, 2033.................
Location: Jerusalem, Israel.....................
Total Casualties: 345,675.........................
Shepherd Ops en route: 6.......................

Beginning Transmission.........................

*Radio* "We have soldiers down by the eastern wall! Send more to coordinates! Immediate evac is in- Arrrghh!"

A medic bellows as his breathe is ripped quickly from his body due to a grenade shrapnel piercing his right lung. Quickly, he opens his bag of vials to his right, scrambling to reach his Medi-Vex Insertion. Once he finds two spare, he uses one to immediately send a direct solution to his wound by needle insert into shoulder vein. Quick but deadly if stabbed into wrong point or spot.

He lies there for a moment to relax his body temperature and stress levels, increasing the further effectiveness of said drug.

Catching himself, he sits up to survey the area for a moment...

Bombshells and explosions can be seen from miles around and screaming of women and soldiers amongst children in the streets. Walls and building torn and broken by the rampaging conquest taking place in their surroundings. He soon spots two ZTV's pull into the gate and spin around to park itself.

He discerns what is about to take place and lies down again. This time he is taking his time to breathe and relax his body and cool down.

A Mosaic Reaper squad is release from the ZTV doors as they sweep the area for survivers. They equip their silenced weapons and begin to shoot each body one by one... Bullet by bullet, corpse by corpse moving cautiously towards his location.

He realizes his situation and adjusts to his surroundings by holding his breathe carefully. A smart strategy for a 'dead man'.

They make their way to his comrades bodies and continue their assault on each body, checking them each. They finally approach him, he is quiet and unmoving. Like a corpse.

As did the Reapers believe, another corpse.

One of the reapers fires one round into the medics chest, leaving the man screaming in utter pain. Then 1 & 2 more bullets into his body and head.

The medic is dead. His last memory being that his plan would work as in those movies. The movies in which they skip a body or two, a random hero stops in time to rescue him, or maybe a random event of some kind would catch them off guard for them to be distracted so he may escape.

This is no fantasy story...

Ok, well.... Technically it is, BUT!!!!

He still had to face reality in this cruel world...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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