~:|: Chapter Three:|:~ (Edited)

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Jjk P.O.V

"YOU WANT TO WHAT?!"I said screaming with wide eyes.

"Mark you" Seokjin said

"We want to mark you" Namjoon corrected Jin.

My head was spinning why would they mark me? WE JUST MET. We stayed quiet for sometimes but Jimin broke the silence "So...yes or no?"

I looked at Jimin for a bit then said "But we just met...." I said averting my eyes to the ground.

"We get it you want time to get used to us...we want that too so we'll let you" Jin said. Thank fudging Jesus this guy's spoke up.

"I don't give a flying fuck as long as you cuddle with me, okay?" Yoongi said pointing  his finger at my face.

"I uh- okay?" I said.

Before anyone else could say anything Yoongi grabbed me by the arm and began dragging me to the his room. When we entered he threw me into the bed and laid next to me. He wrapped his arms around my body and quickly fell into a deep sleep. I closed my eyes and thought of how tiring the day was and was now surrounded in darkness. 

I woke up hours later to find Yoongi staring at me 

"Morning" He said in a low voice. A tingle shot through me when he began to rub my waist

"M-morning.." I replied. 

We stayed in bed for a couple of minutes before Jin came in and laid on the other side and faced my back he wrapped his Arms around my waist below yoongi's arms. He then began playing with my hair. 

"How was your nap" He said as he leaned into my neck

"Good.." I replied. 

Yoongi and Jin was now cradling me like a baby. But I didn't mind.
I felt safe with them and they knew it as well.

"Is our baby hungry?" Yoongi said looking into my eyes. 

I slowly nodded. Yoongi got up and so did Jin. I was going to get up until Yoongi decided to carry me bridal style. Crazy right? For someone shorter than me he can still pick me up.

Sorry for this very short chapter. I promise you that the next one will be longer then this one and the first maybe second as well

Posts every Sunday and Fridays.

Word count: 374

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