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A few hours after Claude had stopped Alois from ending his life. The blonde walked around the garden. Looking at the bandages on his wounds. He sighed, and thought about what Claude had said. Focusing mainly, on those three little words. "I love you.." They just played in his head. Over and over, like a song. Yet, Alois didn't want to believe them. Claude can't love. "He's just hungry. He'll say anything, until he's devoured me to the core. Even I know that much. I'm not a fool, like he wants me to be." Alois said, to himself quietly. Thinking he was alone. He stared at his reflection in the fountain. Then looked away. Closing his eyes, until he felt arms wrap around him.

"Your reflection is lovely in my opinion." Said Claude, as he held Alois close to him. Looking down at the water. With a softer expression on his face. Alois looked up at him. Even if he didn't want to, he couldn't help the small blush he had. "Why won't you leave me alone...? It's clear you're not in love with me. You're just lusting for what I promised you... my soul." Claude shook his head and kissed the top of Alois' head. "I know you don't believe me. I don't blame you for that. But, I do love you. I'm not lusting  for your soul. Hell, I don't want it. If I die, because of this. I know I'll die happy. Because I told you my feelings. I know a demon shouldn't feel this way. It's wrong of me to. I don't care though." Claude put his feelings, into meaningful words. Leaving Alois to question himself again. He looked away, and got out of Claude's arms. "Go away!"

Claude sighed and looked down. "Your Highness, you grow more distant from me. It's making me feel like less than nothing to you." Alois turned around and glared at him. "Until you've lived in my shoes. I don't want you saying shit, so useless to me! Leave me alone and go screw around with Hannah."

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