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A week had passed since Deimos had decided to make me his Queen and things were moving quickly. I'm now officially a resident of Xavaria, today the last of my things would be moved into the palace, and tonight we were announcing to the Kingdom that I'm to be their future Queen. It was jarring and I still couldn't say exactly how I felt about all of it, I was still on the fence about becoming Queen. It didn't help that I hadn't had a moment's rest this week so my emotions just felt all over the place. 

"These should be the last of the boxes," Deimos said as he walked into the room. 

For or five people followed him into the room each holding a couple of boxes. They added them to the small pile that I had left to go through, bowed, and then left. 

"When will the new bedding and canopy cover be done?" I asked. 

"Should be done soon, I'll have them washed before being brought up." He answered. "Do you want help with the rest of these boxes?" 

I glanced over at the stack, "I think I can handle it. Go do what you need to finish."

He kissed the top of my head before he left again. I'd been busy the last week, but Deimos had been busier. He'd been the one dealing with getting me settled in and registered, but on top of that, he'd been planning for tonights even, getting me started on training, and had been getting things in line so we can start wedding planning. Today, though, was all about tonight's announcement so he was running around confirming everything. I'd offered to help him with everything, but he wanted me to focus on getting settled in. Today was the only day that I was okay with it since I was on edge about tonight. 

Tonight the palace would be filled to the brim with demons for a party and all eyes were sure to be on me. I'm sure that people already put two and two together when they saw Deimos and I last week, but I didn't know what story they might have created surrounding our relationship. Everyone loves to gossip about things like this so it made me wonder what the rumors floating around were. 

I forced myself to shove those curious thoughts to the back of my head, I didn't have time to sit and think about all of that. Instead, I begrudgingly dragged myself off the bed and got to work handling the boxes. A few of them got shoved off to the side because they contained more books from my personal collection. There was a stack that were all to be brought down to the palace's library to find their new home amongst all the other books.  The rest of the boxes were my remaining clothes, bathroom items, and my jewelry collection.

Clothes were put away first since all I had to do was hang them up and then came bathroom items since it was easy to find places for that. Jewelry was where the time-consuming part came in. Our walk-in closet had what resembled an island in the center of it, except it was just drawers for your jewelry. I always had hooks to hang necklaces on and a lot of jewelry boxes to put things in, which probably wasn't the safest way to store it since a lot of it was expensive, custom made pieces. It was the first time that I felt the need to organize it and boy was it going to be quite the task. 

Half an hour later and I'd resorted to sitting on the floor and laying everything out neatly into sections before I chose where to put it. I was in the middle of sliding my rings into their places next to Deimos' when there was a knock at the bedroom door. Careful not to disturb the work I'd done already, I pushed myself off the floor and rushed to open the door. There stood Marigold holding a stack of neatly folded sheets. 

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