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❦ Three Years Later ❦

Hmm. Where do I start? It's hard to say since a lot has happened. 

Tinley had gotten happily married and started ruling Freyborne. Rumor is she might already be pregnant with her first child. Skye might have found the man she wants to marry who surprisingly enough wasn't a drool-worthy Prince. He was a farmer's son who had dropped off Tinley's order for her wedding, according to Ferrah she quickly started drooling over him and wasted no time striking up a conversation. Ferrah was still 100% single but had apparently shown a lot of promise in being a healer and potion maker. 

Now, even more had happened here in Xavaria. I had quickly become a wonderful Queen capable of handling Xavaria on my own. I still remember the day I told Azalea that she was more than welcome to return to Hell or get a place here in Xavaria. She wasn't too pleased with this news and quickly started begging for me to allow her to remain here even if she was simply a maid. I refused to do that to her though and instead chose to let her continue being my right-hand woman. 

My main reason behind that was the fact that I chose to not remarry. I simply couldn't bring myself to do that again seeing how it turned out so horribly the first time. When I brought this to Lucifer's attention, he didn't seem pleased with my choice but did respect it. That's when our newest program started up: using the Elders we were going to track down and other girls with Goddess blood, train them, and use them to rule Xavaria. That would be the rule from now on, only Goddesses can run this Kingdom. 

So far we'd managed to track down a handful of girls who we confirmed to have Goddess blood. They all now lived here in the palace where Iyan and Elder Parisa taught them everything they would need to know and trained them to use their powers. They regularly traveled down to Hell to meet with Lucifer to be tested to show that they were progressing as he hoped. 

As for my relationship with the citizens of Xavaria, everything was as good as they could be. Within my first month of being Queen, I released a full statement explaining the entire situation with Deimos. Not everyone believed me, but those who did quickly became trusting of me. That was enough to lessen the protests of my return by a lot. With everyone else, it was simply a matter of proving myself to them. I felt like now the majority of people were on my side, but you can't please everyone. There were still people who protested, wrote nasty letters, and made petitions to try to get me dethroned. At first, it bothered me, but I stopped letting it get to me. 

Phew. I believe that just about covers everything. It's been a wild ride but it seemed like things were finally starting to level out and become stable again. Things were going to be smooth sailing from here on out even if I had to make a deal with God himself. 

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