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I was woken up by the mattress shifting under someone's weight followed by me being roughly shaken. My eyes snapped open and at first, focused on Tinley who was standing at the end of the bed. A second later I spotted the twins who were both sitting next to me looking excited. I swear, if I didn't know them I'd assume they were children instead of teenagers. 

"Where's Deimos?" I asked. 

"Breakfast and then to start overseeing the wedding setup," Ferrah answered. 

"He woke us up to come wake you up, said he be sending up breakfast for the four of us." Skye smiled. "Oh and said that Marigold had a schedule for us."

"He made it clear that he didn't want you to lift a finger today. He wants you to relax and he'll oversee everything."

Skye let out her usual dreamy sigh, "He's perfect."


There was a light knock on the door followed by Marigold entering. A few people holding trays followed her in and set them on the coffee table.

"It seems that we need to talk," I said to Marigold. 

She nodded, "We do, Princess."

My sisters went to start eating while Marigold and I stood off to the side of the room. She pulled a folded paper out of the pocket from her apron and started reading it.

"After you've all eaten I've been instructed to take you all up to the spa. Deimos has set aside the rest of the morning and a little bit of the afternoon for you all to have a spa day. After that, your hair and makeup will be done and you'll be dressed. Then it will be time for the wedding, Prince Deimos said he explained to you how the ceremony goes."

"He did. It seems a little lackluster and unromantic if you ask me." 

"Demons while do have a lot of...passion," Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink. "Our ceremonies aren't known for the romance side of things, at least the marriage and crowning ceremony isn't. Royal weddings here are mainly about business."

"Has it always been like that?" I asked. 

She nodded, "I've heard rumors about people wanting to change it, but nothing has ever come of it."

"Oh!" I said, somehow almost forgetting. "Could you let me know when my father arrives?"

"Yes, Princess."

I thanked her and went to join my sisters for breakfast. Skye wasted no time chattering about how excited she was about the wedding and how she couldn't wait to see how extravagant everything looked. I couldn't help but wonder if she'd find the black and red lace with gold details boring. 

The three of them seemed excited and happy about today's events. I couldn't tell if I was nervous or dreading what was going to happen at sunset. Either way, it was going to happen so I kept a smile on my face so I didn't kill the mood. 

After about twenty minutes it seemed like we'd all finished eating. If there was anything left on someone's plate they were just pushing it around with a fork on their plate. 

"Are we all ready to spend a nice afternoon in the spa?" I asked. 

"This place has a spa?!" Skye shrieked. 

I nodded, "I've never personally been in there, but I've heard plenty of the staff talk about it."

"It's a lovely place," Marigold said. "King Cainen was kind enough to let the staff members use it after hours when our work is done."

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