nine=3x3- Waking up

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Red's P.O.V.

I woke up early from habit of my boss. I realized there was someone still clinging on to me through his sleep. Oh God. I carefully placed Classic back into his sleeping bag, but he still was holding on to my shirt. It took me a couple of minutes, but I finally got Classic completely in his sleeping bag. I sighed and looked around. No one was awake yet, even Blueberry. I decided just to wait until someone woke up, and possibly fall victim to the trap Classic and I made. Luckily I only had to wait a few more minutes for Blueberry to wake up. I really didn't want to keep thinking about what boss is going to do to me when I get home. 

third person

Blueberry was shocked that someone had woken up before him. Especially since it was Red who seemed to act a bit like Swap Paps. Blueberry stood up and shook Dust awake. Dust grumbled something under his breath, but sat up to see Blueberry's starry eyes. "WE ALL HAVE TO EAT BREAKFAST SOON! SO LET'S WAKE EVERYONE UP!"
    Blueberry's loud voice caused everyone to wake up anyway. Nobody looked like they wanted to get up, but knowing Blueberry they all slowly got up. Geno told everyone to go to the kitchen for breakfast, since Blueberry would force them all to eat anyway. Classic and Red followed everyone to the door, but stayed behind knowing about the trap. Since Geno was in the lead he was the one who opened the door first, but Ink was the first one through the door. Both of them got covered with sticky slime stuff, but only Ink got covered with feathers. Geno looked annoyed, other  than that he didn't seem to care all that much. Ink looked like a giant greenish chicken. Everyone cracked up at this since he looked so mad. Ink scraped some of the feathery goop off of himself and threw it at anyone he could reach. This caused a chicken feather slime war between all the Sans's. "EVERY SKELE FOR HIMSELF!" someone yelled which caused more chaos.

    Some Papyrus's tried to break up the fight, but ended up looking like slime chickens aswell. Fell had different methods of stopping this fight. Fell set up a bone cage for every sans. Classic did not enjoy being caged at all. Since Gaster used to cage him up for so long after he stopped being a kind father. Nobody particularly knew how much Classic hated to be unable to go anywhere. Luckily almost all the Sans's can teleport. Classic teleported out of the cage and so did everyone who could teleport. Red was barely able to since he actually ate something yesterday. Once all of the Sans's where out of the cages they all threw chicken feather goop at Fell. When there was none left, Fell looked like an angry chicken monster. Red was probably the only one who didn't throw any at his brother, since he is going to have a big punishment for this whole thing anyway. Fell started chasing all the Sans's he could possibly catch. All the Sans's split up and went in different directions. Since Fell was covered in slime he slipped and fell on his face earning a couple laughs from everyone. A Papyrus held Fell back by the arm so everyone could go to the kitchen and eat in peace...kinda. After everyone (including all papyrus's except Fell) had a couple servings of food. Red once again threw up causing another food war.

Totally the best breakfast ever.

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