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We were getting ready for our second concert in Chile and I was having a great time with fans. They were passionate and really loud! Fans were also really caring and loving, because of them we were having this tour. We were traveling the world thanks to all of them, having the lads and the tour itself, made me forget my love life status and for the tiniest and slightest moment, Alice was left on second place.

My thoughts were interrupted when the boys arrived to my room and started jumping on my bed. They started singing some song and Zayn turned on the radio and plugged in my iPod. My favorite song started playing and my mind drifted itself to my girlfriend. "You have that face again, which means you haven't talk to Liz, still." Louis spoke pinching his eyes. Weird. He has been doing that a lot.

"I don't want to." The lads looked at me stunned. "If I call her, my heart will remember how much I miss her and I'll take the first plane to her." The guys rolled their eyes. "You may not want to call her, but I do." Niall said. And dialed her number on speaker. Weirdly enough, they all knew her number by heart.

"Hello?" She said after the fourth ring. "Hey Alice!" They all greeted. I suppressed my breathing and tried to calm my heart. Fuck, it was only her voice! "Guys! How are you? Is everything okay? Is Management being stupid again? How is the tour going? Have you eaten something? How is South America treating you? Dear Apples, I miss you, guys!"

My beautiful girl avoiding cursing. A smile was glued on my face. "Geez, woman. Breathe." Liam said and Alice giggled. "We're fine. Everything's okay. The tour is going fabulous and yeah, we've eaten." Niall answered as he nudged me to speak. "Awesome guys. Uhm, can I call you later, I'm in the middle of a date, right now."

After that, my heart took off and my mind shut itself off. Next thing I knew, I was sitting in the bathroom's floor. What had just happened? Did she say date? It could be fate, gate, or bait, but none of those words made any sense. Even though 'I'm in a bait' or 'I'm in a gate' were convincing enough.

Fuck! Was she really on a date? Who was with her? Who dared to take her on a date? Was it Michal? I will kill that freak. I was so mad, that I did not even know if I could make it to the concert. I needed to get away from this. But, we had pretty amazing fans waiting for us. I couldn't let them down. Damn! Why my job had to be so hard?

Maybe I should have stopped Management from setting up all those last dates! I was in the States, but I did not even call her! It was my fault she moved on. She was moving on and I was stuck with her memories. On top of all that, the new rumors with Kendall.

Maybe I just have to confess that we were nothing more than acquaintances, maybe fame world would leave me alone with all the Hendall thing. Maybe it was too late. Maybe I lost Liz for sure and I could only blame myself.

"Just man up and call her already." Zayn said interrupting my thoughts. "She moved on." I replied bittersweet. "Harry." His tone of voice broke me. "No." Zayn sighed. "She's on a fucking date." I spat at him and he just seemed unfazed by it. "Just call her. At least do it for closure or whatever you think is true."

My judgement was clouded and my brain took over. "We have a show to do." Zayn arched his eyebrows and just shook his head. "I never thought you were the coward type, Penguin." That word broke my heart once again. Maybe I should have called her. Not now. I have a job to do and I need to be focused on it.

Harry Edward Styles, just get a grip and do your job. Let all those issues for your day off, now you have a concert to attend. Your job is about to start. Fans are waiting for five lads on the stage and they are going to get five. Get your mind on the concert, Styles. Breathe in, breathe out. Okay, I'm ready to do this.

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