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As soon as we arrived to the apartment, I started cooking and had lunch. I put the clothes away on the dryer and I washed the plates. Then, I watched a movie and fell asleep on the couch. It was almost ten pm when I woke up as Happy scratched the door, so I took him downstairs and let him be.

A few minutes later, Alice got off from Peyton's car and I caught Happy before he gave my surprise away. Alice got inside the building and I had to run stairs up to reach our apartment. As soon as I got into the hall, I heard Alice calling Happy. She sounded scared as if she was about to cry on the phone with Peyton. I walked to her with Happy in my arms.

Alice turned around and it was just like the movies. Slow motion, heart beating fast and my feet stayed glued on the spot. Her eyes pierced through me and her phone dropped. "Harry?" She whispered, like she was trying hard to realize if she was dreaming or not. I smiled at her and just waited until she snapped out of her mind.

Next thing I heard, were Peyton laughs. I frowned and looked at the phone. Was it that loud? Alice smiled and added it was on speaker and ran to me. I left Happy down and caught Alice between my arms. Peyton hung up a second later as Happy entered our apartment and Alice's tummy growled. We laughed and I took her into our place.

"What are you doing here? What about the tour? Is everything okay with management? No, it's not. That's why the guys have been calling. Gosh, I'm so sorry, Penguin. I'm truly sorry." I had to cut her in. She was talking too much and even faster than Niall. "Don't be." I sighed. "I'm here because I told you, I'd be back for you. The tour is on break. Management and I are not okay, but it's not because of you. And the lads calling you, well they probably miss you a lot. I know I did."

I wanted to kiss her so badly that it hurt, but I did not quite know where we stood in our relationship. "But you still didn't call." She said, like trying to put some boundaries between us. That reminded me on our first weeks together. "I'm really sorry about that. It was a defense mechanism. My mind knew I had to be away, but my heart didn't understand, so I didn't call so my heart wouldn't remember how much it missed you."

Alice smiled at me as she lent to my touch. "You're adorable, babe!" She said as she caressed my hands. "Yeah, I prefer Penguin." She laughed and we hugged. A lot. I wanted to do everything with her, but at the same time, I was scared of her reaction. I did not want her to think I had come back just for sex.

She had to understand that I came back for her, sex was just a plus. Especially if it was with her. I pulled her to the kitchen and we sat down to eat. I was tired, but I wanted to drown myself in some Alice-ness before going to bed. We sat in silence as we exchanged smiles.

As soon as we got inside our bedroom, I saw something weirdly nice. "Love, why my pillow is covered with my shirt?" I pointed our bed as Alice walked into our bedroom wearing a shirt and some shorts. "Yeah. About that. I didn't take very good the break up." She confessed without holding back information and that blew me away. I had thought that she would try to cover up or something.

"You were the one who broke up with me." I replied without caring if that hurt her feelings. I had been miserable for weeks now. "I know. But I needed some time to think about everything that's going on." She seemed lost on her own thoughts and I got curious. Alice has always been honest with me, was she hiding something? Deep down I knew she was, but, what?

"Do you feel any different about me? Is that what you needed to think about?" I asked carefully, fearing that she would blow me off. "What? No! I just had to deal with other things too." I sighed as we stayed silent for a few seconds. "I never got the chance to say sorry for your loss. I'm sorry." She giggled and I felt my heart in my ears. Was it that weird?

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